This page is meant to be a resource for any person, group or organisation interested in the presented information and not the actual page of a specific group or organisation.
I acknowledge as true and correct that before God and all my fellowmen that...
1.any fellowman is a creation of God, such as myself and that the value of my life is equal with the value of any of my fellowman in front of God.
2. except God, there is nothing more important for a human being than his life and the life of each of his fellowman; consequently no thing and no cause should be put above the life of a singe human being.
3. all people have God-given equal and fundamental rights to life, food, shelter, education and information, to work according their capacities and competencies, to decent conditions of living, to protection during childhood and in any other period of physical and psychical weakness, to freedom of thought, choice, expression and manifestation.
4. any breach of these fundamental rights is void and inadequate for the human dignity, therefore, a mistake, with the exception of the case in which the expression and manifestation of a person affects the fundamental rights of one or the other of his fellowmen.
5. all people are equal brothers and sisters of mine, worthy of my respect and support at any time they are in a difficult situation and helping them doesn’t involve a prejudice of the fundamental rights of one or more human beings.
6. that brother or sister of mine who committed a mistake, thus affecting the fundamental rights of myself or other people, doesn’t have to receive a similar answer from myself, nor to be treated with indifference when he or she needs help.
7. the mistake of a brother or sister who brought a serious breach of another’s man fundamental rights has to be judged by the society, but considering that the respective brother or sister is not one with his or her mistake, that heor she can recognize and then reject for ever.
8. the brother or sister who made a mistake has to benefit of the chance of getting to understand his/her mistake, by the means of an education accomplished with goodness, understanding (tolerance) and patience, that should be experienced even in the case in which some of his/her fundamental rights were restricted and he/she was in a certain measure isolated from the society.
9. the real power of the human being consists in his/her moral superiority and this can manifest in the greatest measure when he/she can forgive, out of love for God, even the most serious error/ offense of his neighbor.
10. selfishness, envy, greed and desire for domination are the main sources of all evils affecting the fundamental rights of people and that I have to stay away from them under any circumstances.
11. evil cannot be changed by evil, but only by good and that the most efficient and lasting methods of changing the world are those non-violent, which have the gift of touching conscience and developing compassion in people’s souls.
12. fear of punishment cannot prevent the mistake, but leaves the human being unchanged and willing to mistake, while the love for neighbor transforms him/her making him/her truly good and thus removing him/her permanently from mistake.[i]
13. any activity that makes people more selfish, more insensible to their neighbor needs, is both harmful for society and for themselves.
14. the most important education the human being can receive is the one training him/her in order to live in the spirit of loving and helping his/her fellow humans.
15. a society in which people don’t learn to live in the spirit of loving and helping their fellowmen and which, therefore, is lead by people who are animated by interests alien of this spirit is inevitably designed for self-destruction.
16. relations between individuals, the relationships between communities and the relationships between nations, according to God’s order, have to be governed by the spirit of love and mutual aid.
17. I have to obey the constitution and laws of my country, as long as they remain humane, fair and democratic, while I have to try by all means to practice a non-violent peaceful form of resistance in case they become unfair and oppressive.
18 - The Universal Declaration of Human Rights doesn’t contradict at all this declaration, they are consistent and mutually supportive.
I am determined to act in accordance with what I have here recognized as true and correct, as much as it is in my power. in all the circumstances of my life. May the measure in which I will accomplish this be a measure of my dignity as a true human being, in front of God and my fellowmen.
If anyone, then, knows the good they ought to do and doesn't do it, it is sin for them (James 4:17)
The Movement for Fraternity is a moral and social initiative having its origin in the core teachings of Christianity and its validation in the conscience, reason and neighborly love of each of its members.
Some of the main Christian guidelines standing at the basis of the principles from the Declaration of Fraternity we suggested, are the following:
Although the ideas of a MF developed on a Christian ground, we believe that, as the law of God is written into each human heart and manifest itself through conscience and common sense (Romans 2:14-15), such a movement could still be open to all persons that discover a moral agreement with the principles and its statute, without any imposition concerning their faith.
We think that those who acknowledge such inner agreement, though do not believe in one and most loving and forgiving God, in whom all pure love and virtues have their origin, could still adhere to the movement, if they honestly believe in a fundamental order of things holding brotherly love, cooperation, mutual support, perpetual correction and progress as its highest laws.
We could also note that the suggested Declaration of Fraternity is in agreement with all democratic constitutions and can also be understand as an detailed addendum of the first article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights: “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.”
This is reflected in the fact that in all the circumstances of social life, including in the economic and political field, the fundamental rights and liberties of each person are equal to those of all others and, consequently, any attack on these creates a moral duty of joint reaction from the state, organisation and any citizen able to help. The real practice of this principle could lead to the redistribution of illicit wealth, could remove the abusive privatizations of the resources and strategic sectors of the country, could contribute to the elimination of corruption and speculation in any form, to replacing competition with cooperation in the economic and political area, could conduct to the creation of new economic organizations controlled by employees, based on solidarity, reciprocity and trust. Another direct result of applying this principle could be the fact that public services, education, health, justice, research and social services will be paid exclusively from the state budget and will be administered by professionals.
This involves first the realization of a necessary political and economic frame for the people to be enabled to participate in the ruling of the country, either by spontaneous referendum or by legislative initiative or by unpaid civil organisms controlling the Parliament, Govern, National Bank and Justice. Thus, every citizen who is affected by certain laws or decisions in his personal, social or professional life, should have the possibility (directly or through his representatives from the civil organisms) to participate in their elaboration. Putting into practice this principle also implicates the setting of laws of democratically electing and changing the leaders which would permanently ensure the existence of competent and representative leaders in all state’s institutions, for profit organizations, nonprofit and unpaid civil organizations.
Therefore, change of leaders should occur not only periodically, but also spontaneously, in the context of major inadequacy with the moral status and the responsibilities of the function. The application of the principle involves also enabling the citizens to evaluate if the organizations of any kind (including the economic ones) that exist at local level fulfill their social role in community and to take decisions accordingly.
Refers to promoting in all the spheres of the society of a leader profile whose purpose is not power and personal or group gain, but the welfare of those depending on him and of the entire society. Moral integrity, compassion and solidarity, modesty, lack of interest for material or financial gain, availability to lead by consultation, mediation and consensus should be basic aspects of this profile.
This principle refers, on the one hand, to the gradual simplification of the legal and economic system and its updated and free publication online and at the level of local administrative organs, so that most citizens could understand and follow the information that impact their lives and also form personal opinions about it.
On the other hand, the principle refers to the realization of some mandatory forms of civic education of citizens, starting with school and ending with the professional environment, that will familiarize them with the legal and economic system and the possibilities to participate in the social and political life of the country. Finally, in order to implement the principle, all the communities should benefit of the normative frame and the technical means necessary to ensure the permanent participation of their members in the political, social and economic life of the country.
This principle derives from the fundamental principle of solidarity and fraternity and refers to the fact that in all life’s circumstances in which violence is not required as a last resort in a situation of self-defense, members of society have the moral duty to refrain from any form of physical, verbal or psychological violence, direct or indirect. This principle should be promoted not only by law, but also by permanent education, in all spheres of life of society. It should prevail both in internal and external relationships of the state.
Among all the actions of the state and of the citizen’s organisms of control, those treating issues of national interest should prevail: national defense, human fundamental rights, conservation, health, education, social protection.
Promoting the fundamental moral and spiritual values, along with the historical, cultural, scientific, traditional values and faith creates national identity and unity.
It is very important that the real support of these values, both by the state and the civil society would end the long dissemination of non-values, subculture and virtual manipulation that enforced selfishness, passivity, struggle for power, corruption, immorality, especially among the youngest generations, with catastrophic consequences for the entire society.
Because of the confusion of values and moral decay, the traditionally Judaeo-Christian societies are affected at all levels and under all aspects of their existence.
Until now, many of the people of character and conscience stayed hidden, dreaming to a better life for them and their families, being satisfied with the role of poor-spirited spectators at the great unfolding of evil in the world.
Thus, their springs of life have leaked into the ground, while among us and in us, the dryness of selfishness, corruption and greed made havoc. Still, we believe that now, more than ever, it is the time when the spirit of true love and renewal having its source in God, will finally manifest in all the people of a good will. Once awaken, they will unite and thereby, touch also the ones that are indifferent or even opposed to them in thinking and feeling. We believe that the great wave of change has already start in the hearts of those having a true living love and, with God's support, will greatly increase and overcome all obstacles.
The MISSION of a MF (Movement for Fraternity) group is that of contributing to a moral and spiritual change of the society through:
Suggested Membership and Organization of a MF group
In consistency with the suggested Declaration for Fraternity, a MF group is meant to be throughout its existence, a true gathering of equal brothers and sisters sharing the common purpose of spreading, through all means, the spirit of brotherly love, tolerance, mercy and forgiveness, irrespective to people's gender, race, nationality, faith or any other distinctive trait. Therefore, the identity of the first members of the group is not relevant, for we believe that no particular member should be entitled to a favorable position inside the movement. However, we will state here our ideas referring to a MF group, acknowledging that it is not and never will be our intention to force in any way the free will of any other human being.
It is our opinion that we should keep such a group without a legal personality, existing purely as a product of thinking and acting of the people who adhere to a Declaration of Fraternity, as also to any other variants of it and deriving documents that may appear, with the condition that they faithfully express the above mentioned spirit . This way, a MF group or union of groups will never turn into an "institution" and become, through the mediation of some members, something "superior" to anyone of its members, artificially imposing upon them a will or order, they do not fully agree with.
To achieve its objectives, a MF group has to remain decentralized and have no leaders, but only promoters and guides, those more active and effective, naturally benefiting of a larger recognition and thus, of a greater sphere of educative influence.
We consider that the eventual circulation of the resources inside the group should always reflect the highest demands of brotherly love and that members should not be entitled to receive material rewards for the activity in the service of the group.
Not being a legal organization, a MF group should not compete with any of the religious, social or political institutions of the state. However members can be encouraged to support any person or organization that acts in agreement with the highest principles of neighborly love and also to try to actively resist and change things for the better, in a as much as possible positive manner, when people or institutions act in contradiction with them.
The members of a MF group are, obviously, always welcomed to freely inform each other and discuss their opinions, including those of a religious, spiritual, philosophical, social, political or scientific nature. Members should remember that any reached agreement or solution would only become valuable if members start also making steps towards implementing it. Disagreements and proven errors have to be treated, as much as possible, with tolerance, in accord to the core principles of fraternity. Differences should always be respected and members should try to make the best they can in the given situation, despite them. No artificial unity of opinions should be seek, but instead, only the unity given by the common fundamental spirit of brotherly love.
Obviously, any form of attack to a person will automatically disqualify a specific intervention in meetings or in the public space, however, but not also the person in cause.
Also any attempt to take-over a group or guide it on a different track than that of its values and principles should be exposed without delay and those involved deprived of the possibility to lead or advise the group in any way.
We consider that a significant MF can develop in a cellular manner, with groups specific to geographical areas and hopefully, with increasingly strong bonds between them, however without any of the group or persons assuming a position of authority on other groups or persons.
Due to the major difficulties created by the actual economic and political systems, as also by people's mentalities, we don't imagine that major ideas could now by implemented. However, when the social and environmental crisis will awake a much bigger part of the population, people will surely gather together in search for solution. The hope for change is thus linked not only with a natural, historical necessity, but also with our personal faith.
An immense number of people (still) have today the great privilege to speak free, to join for any cause they consider good and to enjoy access to information in an unimaginable way for all previous generations. Consequently, many of them have seen and found out enough in order to be aware of the following social and psychological facts:
In our opinion, in order for people to become able to reverse the actual dramatic trend of history, a significant number among them should conscientiously decide:
- not to fear, not to complacently abide in cowardliness and selfishness anymore, not to be authors or accomplices of the evil within and around them, but to fight with the help of God to take evil all the power it has on them.
- not to fight against certain people or institutions, but against the wrong attitudes and deeds that can affect everybody's spiritual dignity: the greed and will of power of the rich ones, but also the vices, ignorance and complacency of the poor.
- not to envy, deceive, lie, steal, exploit, abuse in any way any other people.
- not to ignore the unjust suffering of the elderly, parents and poor people, the prostitution and manipulation of youth, women and children, the effects of evil perpetuated upon any of their fellowmen.
- not to worry anymore about personal comfort, not to waste time with mind games and futile entertainment .
- not to support in any way people of disputable moral integrity, but people who prove through deeds their true brotherly love, courage and spirit of sacrifice.
- to demonstrate through words and deeds a true love of neighbor, according to the highest moral standard that can be found in the teachings of Christ.
In our suggested Manifest of Social Principles (which of course is just a possible example), the first one among them was...
This is reflected in the fact that in all the circumstances of social life, including in the economic and political field, the fundamental rights and liberties of each person are equal to those of all others and, consequently, any attack on these creates a moral duty of joint reaction from the state, organisation and any citizen able to help.”
So in the particular case of a grass-roots group, if molded after the ideal of a most democratic, and equitable assembly of peers, this should be leaderless and driven by true empathy and solidarity. There are very many people today which, like many others before them, praise the ideal of UNITY in such a group as the highest and most important thing that should be adopted in order to achieve the desired goals...
But let’s clear this thing up a bit however... Can this unity in perceptions, feelings, ideas and goals that relate to both the main interests of the group and the relationships inside it be ever achieved by simply desiring it and proclaim it?... Of course, not. We should first honestly clarify what the members’ perceptions, goals etc are and then do some genuine work to debate the unavoidable divergences, so a reasonable consensus may be achieved at least among the majority of the members. Then we should allow enough time to the group in which to turn their common values and goals into actions, so to become a stable part of their character and behaviour. This in the case in which the group is truly leaderless, thus enabling all members to equally participate in the decision making. If the group has got one or several leaders, such as is most generally the case in society, things definitely go much faster but also far less democratic, because the leaders will rather impose their will on all relevant aspects, with or without the consultation of the many less privileged ones.
So now, we have the first important hint towards the ideal of unity in a group... Unless forcefully imposed by leaders, unity can never appear as an instant reality, but only as a result of considerable work, which in fact, considering our actual moral condition, may never be achieved. But if so, are all leaderless groups meant to fail due to a perpetual lack of unity?...
I would dare to say no, because, what appears to matter more in any human group and in any circumstances, is not the degree of unity, but that of SOLIDARITY among them. A family, for example, can go on for life, without establishing a real unity among the members in almost anything, but instead anchoring all relationships in love, empathy, tolerance, mutual service or what can be seen from the outside as a genuine SOLIDARITY of its members. The level of solidarity is demonstrated in the quality of the support the members offer to each other in all legitimate circumstances in which this appears as needed and possible. Of course, the most critical circumstances in which a member is injured physically or psychologically or when, as stated in the principle, his/ her fundamental human rights are attacked, a family or a group, in general, that is funded on SOLIDARITY, will react to such events trying to minimise the harm, restore the injured ones’ integrity and prevent this from repeating.
Even if the one(s) perpetrating the harm are among the members of the group, the group as a whole still has got the duty of conscience and care to react and find appropriate solutions. Thus the perpetrators of harm need to be made accountable, disciplined, educated and when severe and irreparable harm has been committed certainly more severe measures such as isolation and increased control should be added. If this is not done and such people are allowed to continue to behave the way they want or even to hold authority among the members, the responsibility for future harm is less upon them, than upon the ones who had the means to prevent it, but did nothing.
Every group of people starting with a small family and ending with the entire society is always standing before the choice to either act on this principle of solidarity or, as it is sadly often the case in many circumstances due to laziness, selfishness or fear, not to do it. A massive abdication from this most fundamental duty of solidarity, is equivalent to an utter betrayal of conscience and human dignity and unavoidably leads to disaster. We may unfortunately watch this happening at a huge scale today in all places and societies where personal interests, corruption and mind control driving the leaders of submissive crowds, leads to the destruction of material and spiritual goods and ultimately, human life itself.
It should however be much more simple to have this essential solidarity built up in a group of adult peers with equal rights or what is being called a leaderless grass-roots movement. But surely, this is not a spontaneous occurrence either, but needs to be desired and built up through the appropriate communication and acts of the members. The view that the group should be indifferent to the harm that one of the members is suffering from, especially when the perpetrator also belongs to the group, and treat this as a ‘personal’ issue that is of no concern for any of the members that are not directly involved, is a very callous one, that will surely have nefarious consequences, as the ignored harm or conflict may very easily determine one or even both parties to leave the group and later on to eventually cause more damage to it. There is really no virtue and no reward in ignoring the evil, be this done out of ignorance or out of a discernable mean intention. If solidarity exists, it will act in such dangerous circumstances as an efficient immune system for the group preserving the integrity of each member and of their relationships. But let’s observe that GENUINE SOLIDARITY IS ONLY BEING BUILT BY MAKING THINGS PERSONAL BETWEEN PEOPLE, by activating each one’s conscience and empathy and this involves more effort and more challenging and unpleasant feelings on the way, because we all have a certain amount of pride and unresolved trauma. But we need to deal with such challenges, if we want to be a part of a group that will last and do something effective in the world. We need to become true, personal friends with the other members of the group and not just ordinary colleagues that are joined together by a common purpose that finally serves each ones’ self love and not the eternal, divine love for the fellowmen and thus, for the entire humanity.
It is useless to fight against the huge betrayal of the rich and powerful, while we are still able to also betray our conscience and harm our fellowman. If we really want to change anything in the world, it is not the knowledge that we are sharing that will do it, for today almost anyone can access the knowledge if just wanting it... but it’s the example of another spirit animating us, that is not the selfish spirit of this world that actually is leading to its demise. And there is no better place in which we can develop this spirit, than in a group of mature equals. There will unavoidably be infiltration, there will be controlled opposition and attempts to take over our groups and their legitimate goals, but once the spirit of true brotherhood is prevailing, the proper moral discernment will prevail also, so all these attacks will easily be identified and rejected. But we need to start judging the tree by the fruits, we need to look at the actions of our peers more than at their words, we need to examine everything and keep what is good, while expelling the evil, we need to take back the power of influence from the ones who abused it and give it to better ones. Tolerance and forgiveness should never be missed out, but they have to be balanced by the imperative to prevent future harm.
This is my belief. Or in fewer words... if we will put not only our minds, but also our hearts and consciences at work to establish a true solidarity among us, then no matter how few we are, by the grace of God, we will win this big fight.
The question if groups of independent volunteers for a cause, especially the so-called grass-roots movements should be leaderless, doesn’t have a mandatory answer. It all depends on the preferences of the people involved... The question that should however have a mandatory (positive) answer, according to the imperatives of conscience and common-sense, is if SUCH GROUPS SHOULD BE AS DEMOCRATIC AS POSSIBLE, so that the views of each of the members could be heard and equally considered in the process of decision making... If the people feel that they need a leader then, in consistency with the previous assertion, let this be a guide and a moderator, a true servant of all whose main purpose is to develop and maintain a true democracy, an unalienable right of free speech and equal participation in decision making for all and whose particular attributions are decided by all. Let this be someone who is elected by voting, if not consensus, after being recommended, among others by several members of the group. Let this be liable before all and replaced at any time when somebody else is considered more appropriate to be invested with such trust and authority, by a new voting of the group. In any case LET NOT JUSTICE AND ETHIC BE THE WORK OF ONE OR FEW, but have all the members of the group gather together and investigate if it appears that one among them may have breached the basic morals and harmed people, limited their human rights or affected the main interests of the group, so that this person’s participation in the group to be limited appropriately, according to the common decision, in order to prevent the harm to be repeated. Punishment should not be the intention, but correction and prevention, and the obviously most necessary thing when harm has been deliberately inflicted , is simply TO DEPRIVE THE GUILTY PART OF THE POWER OF AUTHORITY OR INFLUENCE needed in order to commit such things in the future. However when, by appropriate attitude and deeds, trust is eventually regain, the group should decide to cancel the limitations imposed to that member. This can of course apply even in the case in which the only solution that has been found appropriate was to expel him/ her from the group.
Now, if the group decides it can work together without the guidance and supervision of a leader, which can really appear as the safest solution, especially when the group is new and the activities can be performed in a very decentralized manner, then a great care must be taken so people with more influence such as speakers or people who make contacts with other entities not to be mutually treated as leaders, or authorities in relationship to the rest of the members. It is enough that naturally the people who know more, work faster, speak better, show more virtues etc are also more influential and revered inside the group. This doesn’t mean however that their voice should be a substitute for any of the voices of the other members and that they should be seen rather as ‘masters’, than ‘servants’. However, if in time the group decides democratically to give such people positions of more authority , then we turn to the previous case and try to at least ensure that the group remains as flexible and democratic as possible.
“And the merchants of the earth will weep and mourn over her, because there is no one left to buy their cargo— cargo of gold, silver, precious stones, and pearls; of fine linen, purple, silk, and scarlet; of all kinds of citron wood and every article of ivory and precious wood, of bronze, iron, and marble; of cinnamon, spice, incense, myrrh, and frankincense; of wine, olive oil, fine flour, and wheat; of cattle, sheep, horses, and chariots; of SLAVES and SOULS OF MEN.” (Rev 18:11-13)
Lenin once affirmed that the best way to deal with opposition is to control it. Most assuredly he knew this well as a foremost leader of the controlled opposition himself, for the bankers’ supported communism that lead in Xth century Russia, China, Cambodgia and N. Koreea to the activation of the most murderous regimes in the history of humanity was also a planned confiscation of the legitimate ideals of social justice naturally arising in the conscience of the oppressed masses.
Common sense shows us that if some people have the power to print the money with which the most important transactions of the world are being done (something that has happened ever since the privately owned US Federal Reserve has been established in 1913), these people will definitely work -passionately to control the world’s economies, politics, media, health and education and, through these, as much as possible, the free and unruly souls of men...
And as this work , in order to be effective, should also be hidden from the eyes of the masses, the use of the CONTROLLED OPPOSITION, that apparently fights against the system in order to create the comfortable illusion of democracy and free speech, but in reality leads to no true progress in achieving its goals or even starts targeting contrary ones, should clearly be a weapon of choice for the handlers of this huge global financial system.
Any person who was involved long enough with popular movements, may get a pretty clear image of how the main features and tactics of the controlled opposition look like, but, of course, those pertaining to the controlled opposition and their teachers know them best. Anyway, most of us, people with a bit of experience, can investigate a number of intuitively and logically valid possibilities that are based on real life observations, an exercise which may be useful for those who never knew about this or never gave a second thought to it...
Let’s first call the ones of the controlled opposition in the exercise of their duty, inside popular movements, INFILTRATORS... Maybe it’s not the word with the best denotation, but it is suggestive enough.
The infiltrators appear, especially in popular movements, as common people and unless we observe the effects of their activity inside the group (popular movement), we may not discern in any credible way if they are of the control opposition or not. So indeed we have to check the tree by the fruits. If it is pretty clear that due to these people’s particular influence, the group does not really make any progress in pursuing its initial purposes, but despite the general high interest in them, either stagnates or starts establishing new irrelevant or maybe even opposite purposes, then it is high time to suspect that this influence is a manifestation of a hidden agenda, targeting the confiscation of the group legitimate goals and impact in society. To note that some infiltrators may simply be very narcissistic persons, that have a personal grandiose agenda. Due to their disturbing ideas and actions, their agenda also fits in the greater one of the rich and powerful, so they can be used for a while as pawns in the game, via funding or proxys, with or without them realise it. They are allowed and supported in their efforts to gain power so without much effort they can happily wake up to see their plans starting to be fulfilled, which they may simply assume to be due to their extraordinary merits.
Observing this historically often encountered reality, we can take a closer look at some of these infiltrators’ typical behaviours, which can lead to the following observations:
Well, so what is to be done when identifiable infiltrators try to take over or already managed to take over a group?... It’s always up to the people of the group to awaken to the reality of this confiscation, when this is appropriately suggested to them. If the core values are really shared by the majority and the true solidarity of friendship and brotherhood exists so the group can stay LEADERLESS, little if nothing is needed for the group to identify and reject such attempts. However, if, as most often, this is not the case, a certain division may occur in time: some will realise the deception and look for a better place elsewhere, while others, possibly the majority will stick to the new rules and the new laws. What is said here in the case of a group, can probably be extended at the level of an entire society and even more... And indeed, from some verifiable sources, it seems that we are facing today the greatest process of infiltration at a global level.
So a little awareness of the real dangers in our social relationships and a true awakening of solidarity which is the true blood and immune system of any democratic group may prove to be even more important than the declared goals as such... At least let’s just give it a second thought...