The enemy is activity seeking to get strongholds in your life (ie addictions, worry, fear, or others). That way he can influence your life. Jesus said in John 10:10 "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy..." Is this happening in your life? Do you need deliverance from the enemy? This message was given on Derek's 80th Birthday. He went to be with the Lord when he turned 88 years old. For More information on Derek Prince, please visit:
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I guide you in such a way that you may keep your impetus fresh and so that you may always more effectively seek the truth and those goods which I have already prepared to put at your disposal, in order to give you joy in it when you represent Me, and in order to lend authority to you to say and do that which the word (alone) is unable to say and to accomplish.
I wish to prevent the confusion and intentions of raging humanity of robbing you of the cheerfulness and enthusiasm which you need in order to continue to seek for truth and to disseminate it.
Only out of love do I allow your meeting with lies, so that you learn to appreciate truth and righteousness more, and so that you always hold to it more firmly and actively.
I have chosen you to be a mirror of truth. Thus protect you from falsehood; and you will never fall into deception, for take away the power from the insinuations of every lying Spirit, in that place the truth into the light. Instead, I leave in darkness every false and malicious design on truth. Darkness means powerlessness, lack of vitality, decay, and certain death. That alone lives - and will continue to live - which receives warmth from my light beams; all that which I leave in darkness dies off.
He alone is in the truth who pledges himself wholly to strive for a continually better recognition and realization of truth. This unassuming self-knowledge will lead you to the discovery that you are incapable of creating your own reality. The truth which a person invents for himself and wishes to force upon others is an imposed lie. Whoever wishes to impose a truth upon others, imposes only himself, not the truth.
My truth leaves even the falsehood free; falsehood makes noise, needs force and makes a sensation, for it fears the power of truth. Truth possesses the strength to wait patiently until whatever cannot survive without the warmth of My true light, collapses and dies.
You who come in contact with the falsehoods of people, will fight in yourselves the spirit of untruth and cowardice, because you see the evil which the imposition of falsehood calls forth. I can help you hasten your return to your only good in the truth. Your concern is to desire to bring about My intervention in the struggle against the false opinions which are exhibited by people who thirst for revenge and want only to control everything and everyone.
The defeat of these false teachings will follow inexorably and unavoidably. I will advance this collapse when you ask Me for it with love. Your requests will procure that all falsehoods and all
centres of their dissemination, which bring incalculable damage for the whole World, will be unmasked. The power which I will give you does not consist in forcing the truth upon, but in the unmasking of falsehood. The truth will make a way for itself when falsehood is unmasked. Already when a falsehood collapses, it means an anticipation of the triumph of truth, of good, of love; and that will become for all of you a triumph of greater happiness and well-being for with the truth come I.
Only l, your God, can procure for you order, peace, riches and happiness. To combat untruth means to spread the good around you and move Me to allow you to recognize still other truths. When you love truth, you love Me. When you love truth for the love of truth, you love and know Me. The love of truth is what leads you to recognize it and to live with Me.
To accept truth on the ground of persuasion, compulsion or fear, does not mean to love the truth, for only love leads you to an intimate union with Me, and only the love of truth allows you to recognize it, for truth is only in Me. I know all the falsehood that surrounds you.
Falsehood, be it great or small, is the worst obstacle for a peaceful co-existence and for the attainment of that spiritual progress and harmonious development which means true happiness. Many decent people do not bring anything good either to themselves or to others; their goodness limits itself namely in that - not to do anything evil to others. And, out of love for a life which is as comfortable as possible, they avoid to combat the dissemination of errors which they see and can recognize, yet fail to take a stand against them.
Such people will not be approved by Me. They are, moreover, responsible for the dissemination of falsehoods and the evil which will catch up with them. Their inactivity makes the productiveness of disorder even more energetic.
Only he who does not accept falsehood for himself and others but combats and blocks it, induces Me to grant him My help, which allows him to triumph over all the enemies of truth. Whoever enters into a compromise with the falsehoods of men will no longer see Me at his side. I cannot take it upon Myself to assist a person who accepts the falsehoods of others and not only feigns My help, but also My agreement to a compromise with falsehood,
I Will not help such a person for he does not believe in Me, he does not believe in the invincible power of truth. He will fight alone and will be crushed by the falsehoods he has accepted; his, even though perSevering prayers, will not achieve the victory of a profitable and valid struggle.
I take upon Myself the defense and answer the prayers only of such people who completely dedicate themselves to a cause, namely, the truth - in Order to bring justice and love to triumph.
No prayer will be heard which doesn't strive towards this goal. When you strive after the goal which I have shown you, I will repair your errors and make your way straight; I will keep you, and your loved ones, Safe from the assaults of your enemies. I will keep at a distance those who hinder you on your way, deceive you, and Wish to separate you. Never will I permit for anyone to check your course, in order to win those who belong to you, who listen to you, and wish to follow you on your path. No one, be he ever so clever or powerful, will succeed in casting you down. In you, I will wrestle to the floor all those who wish to bring about your downfall. I will not fail to break the pride of those who think and would dare, to humiliate you. I will humiliate and make powerless him who considers himself to be entitled to demand of you that you do not speak the truth which
you recognize. Aimless will be the Criticism against you, against your way of life and your human weaknesses. Every criticism which strikes you will mean a heavy punishment for him who has exercised it. They will bitterly regret that they have dared to handle you as if you had no means or possibility to defend yourselves. My defense will come suddenly and will be a warning to all. For the few sacrifices that their slander brought to you, you will receive the guarantee of My assistance.
Out of love for the triumph of a higher good, I will take away the power from the wicked; for the well-being of all, I will allow it to be recognized what a great hope you exhibit, you who love Me, in order that they may find themselves again on the right road. This is the way which leads to a firmer faith that it is possible to attain My presence and continual assistance for all.
If one of your fellow human beings asks you for something good, do not ask him who he is. Give him the good that he desires. This good will bind him to you and, for the sake of My love which lives in you, I will bind him to Myself.
It is I who send people to you in order to ask you for (something) good and for love. Thus, bring them back to Me, to My heart, through that part of Me which lives in your hearts. Let no one of those send to you come away empty, for these will have something to share with you, for I belong to you in them, because of the love which you knew how to give them.
It is I who brought you together so as to hold you bound closer to My heart. You are a unity in Me.
When one of you gets lost, it is a loss for you yourself. You are bound to one another with a bond that you do not see. The bond lies here, in My heart.
Love unites, and you are a unity in the participation of the boundless joy which is resolved on in My heart and which will belong to you.
Unite yourselves, and do not allow yourselves to be discouraged by anything. Nothing is difficult for Me!
Only your separation weighs heavy. You cannot separate yourselves if you want to love Me. I cannot share My heart; and in order to come within, in order to have the right to step inside - you should be completely united. To separate you means to make impossible the union with Me - the
bond within My heart - which is only one. Be submissive to one another, help and encourage one another mutually, but do not part.
Your union is My joy. I will overwhelm you with graces for the zeal with which you strive to love one another and never to part.
When one of you is tempted to distance himself from the other, I immediately intervene. I step in between you with all My power in order to prevent it.
It is My will that each of you make a little step towards the other and I will move the power of My heart.
Those of you standing from afar, think on it; with such thoughts you awaken Me in you to life.
I will constantly be with you if you only help one another to unite yourselves constantly. Do not fear that somebody could part you. Your love-union will allow you to overcome every obstacle.
In your desire to love, it is My will at work. My will is stronger than any resistance.
Stay firm in your will to union, in your love for him who would like to flee from you. I know the ways to lead back to you the fleeing one. He will not be able to slip away and I will tell you why.
The person whom I sent to you was chosen by Me. You have brought him back to My heart through your love. This person is tied to My heart by invisible threads. Your will holds the bond of these threads with My heart. With these ties hold the fleeing one, so that he desires to turn back. My upbraidings create in him confusion and torment until he realizes what an error he has made in fleeing the union with you and Me. I defend your rights with those whom you have loved and who try to separate themselves from you. Turning away from you means turning away from Me. Ask Me for help when you no longer know what to do. I will immediately intervene in your favour, for your union is My will.
To unite yourselves, means to unite yourselves with Me. Your separation - is separation from Me.
Do not worry about the hardness of heart of those who do not listen to you, who do not wish to hear you talking about Me, and those who have denied Me and still deny Me; never will your zeal with which you have loved those who have not listened to you be in vain. Continue to desire that love would take hold of them also, continue to love them perseveringly in Me. My love for you will open many of these hearts which you have held to be indifferent to your appeals, the appeals of My heart. For many of those indifferent ones, your love will become My mercy in their last hour; My love for you will have mercy on all those who, in spite of the fact that they did not want to listen to you, have yet remained in your hearts; in your hearts they will find the love which you have known how to offer in their stead. I will not reject the love which you have perseveringly devoted to those whom you wanted to lead to Me.
Your persevering love for those who had deaf ears for Me, was My persevering will to draw them to My heart; I have confided them to you in order to ask you to show love to them, which will be to Me the most acceptable loan which you have made to Me. The love which you show to those who do not understand to love Me and do not want to love Me means to save people and to sustain in life those that lie in death and who would have been destined to lose Me forever, Him who is the true and eternal life.
Your love for all those who do not love Me will bring forth My gratitude. My gratitude will be an increase of love to you, an increase of all the goods which I will put at your disposal. I will shower you with My benevolence and you will rejoice in My continual presence in yourselves.
My presence at your side will take all fear from you which the world, and life in the world, may cause you. With Me at your side you will always remain serene and will not feel the sufferings of the world; you will experience joy with Me, which means the relief from the sufferings of the World; you will, with Me, change the sufferings of others into joy, with Me, you will give hope to their hearts again so that they will find again the peace that they lost; with Me you will brave all the dangers of the World. But I will not allow it that you fall victim to the dangers of the world.
In the strength which enables you to overcome the blows of the World, you will recognize My power, the power of My great love for you. This power will make you victory-certain; it is the certainty which I have promised to those who want to have Me at their side and hold fast to Me.
My faithfulness to My promises is the faithfulness with which I love your salvation, those of you who love Me, and the salvation of all whom you love and who love you because in you who love Me, they will love Me.
Loyalty to you will mean loyalty to Me. The gratitude for your love to them is gratitude towards Me, for the love which they experience in you - am I, who will be
recognized in you and faithfully loved. Your victory is My victory over your and My enemies. You will be able to recognize your and My enemies until I come to judge the earth.
For now, hold to the certainty of My, and your, victory in your hearts and be certain of the goodness and faithfulness of your God who, at His return to earth, will know how to judge the enemies of righteousness and truth. My heart knows all the enemies who will remain enemies.
The enemies whom I will come to judge will be the enemies of truth, those who will not be able to love Me because they have loved, and still love, falsehood.
I will only come in order to judge the world of the proud ones who deny truth and erect the kingdom of unrighteousness among you, which is the kingdom of falsehood, of pride, and of Vanity.
I will bring you the Kingdom of Truth, which will be a Kingdom of Humility and Love.