Life after death has been studied by scientists at Southampton University who found evidence that conscious awareness can continue for at least a few minutes after death. The medical study is the largest ever into near-death and out-of-body experiences. .
Jeffrey Long, M.D. has scientifically studied over 4000 near-death experiences (NDEs). Dr. Long reviews this prior research and presents his current groundbreaking investigation of the content of NDEs that address humankind’s “Big Questions” which include: Does God exist? Is there an afterlife? What is the meaning and purpose of earthly life? NDEs have extraordinarily consistent information that address the Big Questions. Insights into the Big Questions from NDEs does not seem explainable by preexisting cultural or religious beliefs. This is the largest scientific investigation of sequentially shared experiences addressing the Big Questions ever reported. .
Dr. Lloyd Rudy, a pioneer of cardiac surgery, tells stories of two patients who came back to life after being declared dead, and what they told him.
| Anita Moorjani (NDE - After having been written off by the Doctors and slipping into a coma Anita Moorjani had a near death experience and was shown the truth about life by her deceased father. )
One of the most famous and compelling NDE ever known, definitely an ultimate life changing experience.
She thought near-death experiences could be explained by science until it happened to her. New York Times best-selling author, Dr. Mary Neal, shares what happened when she drowned, went to heaven, and came back to life in 1999
When Mark McDonough was a teen, a catastrophic fire claimed the lives of his mother and younger brother. It also left Mark with burns on over 65 percent of his body. During a long and painful recovery, his faltering faith in God was strengthened by a remarkable near-death experience. Inspired to pursue a career as a plastic surgeon to help those who suffer as he has, McDonough has overcome numerous other adversities on his journey, including addiction and a stroke. Now he shares his incredible true story of survival and perseverance to bring hope and healing to those dealing with great physical and emotional pain. .
Mickey Robinson was riding high on thrills and even sought the extremes. One day while going up in a plane to jump out (see--right there it should tell you something) the plane crashed. He smashed into an Oak Tree at 100mph and the plane caught on fire. The tale of his rescue and subsequent stay in the hospital is very powerful. His spirit left his body and went into another realm. He saw a golden river of light flowing around. He communicated with God in a non-verbal Heavenly language. He saw a darkness coming for him off to the side. He realized later this was his life up until he found Jesus Christ.
In December 1943, private George Ritchie died of pneumonia. Nine minutes later, he returned to life. His experience will change his life forever, and his riveting story is now detailed in two consecutive books: “RETURN FROM TOMORROW” and "My Life After Dying." Years after its first publication, "My Life After Dying" had its name changed to "Ordered to Return."
On August 16, 2005 Richard met God in an out-of-body experience. The encounter changed his life forever. .
Luke was lost with a false profession that lasted until God stripped everything away from him. Yet even after his traumatic accident, he continued on in his sin and refusal to trust Christ; until God opened his eyes to the finished work of Christ on the Cross.
http://www.ndevideos presents the full NDE ( Near death Experience) testimony of Yvonne Sneeden, an appreciated professional (skeptic) who went to the afterlife and met up with Jesus Christ. She spent time speaking to him and discussing her life. She got advice and input about the love He has for his people. At one point she merges with Jesus and explains that in the afterlife "Merging" is a practice where you can experience what another soul experienced.
The very detailed testimony of Jan's death and spiritual experience, including the encounter with Christ, and the way this completely changed his destiny
She was broken and aimless and thought her only option was to put a gun to her heart. AN experience of Hell and Heaven
To Hell and Back, Dr Rawlings shares true accounts of several Atheists who see the reality of Hell and come back to share their True Stories. Renowned Cardiologist Dr. Maurice Rawlings hosts this great documentary featuring several eyewitness accounts that answer the questions: Is Heaven Real? Is Hell Real?
Living experience during clinical death during kidney surgery.
Life to Afterlife Death and Back Full Official Movie from the official creator. In this episode of Life to Afterlife, Craig McMahon interviews four people that died but came back to life, or also known as NDE, Near Death Experience. Their amazing stories will shock some and comfort others. Erica sees heaven, Ingrid communicates with beings of light, Howard visits hell, and Tricia witnesses three spiritual beings assist surgeons on her spine.
Life to Afterlife Death and Back 2 Full Official Movie. In this second episode of Life to Afterlife, join Craig McMahon where he sits down with another four people who died but came back to life. Peter freezes to death while ice climbing in Banff, Rosemary bleeds to death, Jim dies from a plane crash and Penny dies from Anaphylactic shock. All four subjects experience other worldly realms and meet beings of light.
Today on The Broken Brain Podcast, Dhru talks to Dr. Bruce Greyson about this phenomenon in the context of near-death experiences or NDEs. We have to remember that even just 20 years ago new scientific ideas were emerging that people thought were crazy. People are always skeptical of things they haven’t been taught. Now, the study of near-death experiences is pushing the boundaries of modern research. Dr. Greyson is a Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioral Sciences at the UVA School of Medicine. His award-winning research led him to become a Distinguished Life Fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and to be invited by the Dalai Lama to participate in a dialogue between Western scientists and Buddhist monks in India.
YTUBE channels:
Afterlife Evidence - International Foundation for Survival Research
Howard Storm - near-death experiences
Ned Dougherty - near-death experiences
Ricky Randolph - near-death experiences
Dr. Chauncey Crandall: Raising the Dead | (beta)This physician has seen the resurrection power of Jesus Christ at work in his own hospital
Yvonne Sneeden NDE Walks and talks with Jesus Christ, explains "Merging"
Soul Leaving Body: Interview with Dr. Korotkov - YouTube
Interview with Dr. Konstantin Korotov, a leading scientist and writer in the field of the human soul leaving the body regarding human energy
NHNE's Store - Return from Tomorrow To Heaven and Back: A Doctor's Extraordinary Account of Her Death, Heaven, Angels, and Life Again: A True Story (9780307731715): Mary C. Neal: Books
Face to Face with Jesus: A Former Muslim's Extraordinary Journey to Heaven and Encounter with the God of Love: Samaa Habib, Bodie Thoene, Mike Bickle: 9780800795795: Books
The thrilling and heart-wrenching true story of a former Muslim woman's journey to heaven and back when she was victim of a terrorist bombing.
Conversations Beyond Proof of Heaven
My Time In Heaven: SIGMUND RICHARD: 9781603741231: Books