U.K.: Exemptions for injections, masks, tests - or for ANY medical intervention and/or procedure:
Exemptions are NOT required!!!
To every living man, woman or child in the U.K.:
YOU have the
to REFUSE any medical intervention and or treatment
even if the refusal leads to your death.
You do NOT have to:
- Explain yourself
- Justify yourself
- Prove a religious or any other objection
You have Sovereignty over your own body and mind:
“Voluntas aegroti suprema lex” - Over his or her own mind and body, the Individual is Sovereign”
(John Stuart Mill, “On Liberty”).
Ie “Bodily Integrity”.
And that includes Sovereignty to refuse or accept medical treatment/intervention/procedures.
How do you assert this Right?
You simply say:
“NO - I do NOT want this medical treatment/intervention/procedure.”
That’s it!
NO-ONE has the right to derogate from your inalienable, fundamental Right to Bodily Integrity - including your MPs in government, your employer, your doctor/medical team, your council, your school or college or your University or any corporation or other entity.
HM the Queen - as Head of State- does not have the right to derogate from your inalienable, fundamental Right to Bodily Integrity.
This Right to Bodily Integrity cannot be derogated from - even in times of War or Public Health Emergency.
- the Magna Carta 1297 , chapter 29:
and the general saving clause:
- the Bill of Rights 1688, the “Subjects Rights”:
- the Offences Against the Person Act 1861;
- the Geneva Conventions Acts:
including the Geneva Convention Act 1957:
- Human Rights Act 1998:
- the International Criminal Court Act 2001:
- the Medicines for Human Use (Clinical Trials) Regulations 2004:
enshrining the Declaration of Helsinki:
- the World Medical Association’s Declaration of Helsinki:
- Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health 2015, Supreme Court Judgment of Lady Hale:
Ie the Rule of Law in the U.K.
The International Humanitarian Law framework confirms this in the following Human Rights and Medical ethics instruments:
- the Hippocratic Oath:
- the Nuremberg Code:
- USA v Karl Brandt et al “the Medical cases”, Nuremberg Trials:
- the WMA’s Declaration of Geneva
- the Geneva Conventions
- the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
- the European Convention on Human Rights
- the Helsinki Declaration
- the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights
- the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights
- the International Covenant on Human Rights and Bioethics- the “Oviedo Convention”
Ie the International Rule of Law.
The International Rule of Law binds the U.K. State and all of us within the U.K.
Everyone is Equal under the Law and NO ONE is above the Law.
The Rule of Law binds EACH and EVERY one of us - regardless of title, position, money, power, status, ideology etc.
Thank you for reading.
Now PLEASE assert your RIGHTS!!!
Thank you 🙏
Anna de Buisseret
U.K. Lawyer
Dear Members of Parliament representing the Free Citizens of India,
Currently, a consortium of hundreds of Lawyers and Medical experts/Doctors are in the process of initiating multiple lawsuits against the CDC, WHO and the Davos Group for fraud and infliction of damage on the health and economy of the world’s population. The inappropriate use of the RT PCR test to designate healthy/asymptomatic individuals as covid-19 cases (which is known to generate 90% false positives due to the high amplification rate – [1-2]) and the order for Doctors to confirm any comorbidity death as a Covid death on an individual’s death certificate is being exposed as fraudulent malpractice, which could lead to prosecution. In fact, a recent study demonstrated that the use of nasopharyngeal samples, which tested positive for SARS-Cov2/Covid19 using a 30 cycle PCR amplification protocol contained no virus-like particles when analysed with a scanning electron microscope [3]. Despite this WHO which advocates the Real-time RT PCR assay for the detection of SARS-CoV-2 recommends a 40-50 cycle amplification protocol to be used on a nationwide level by the CDC in China; Pasteur Institute, Paris, France; CDC, USA; National Institute of Infectious Diseases, Japan; Charité Germany; HKU, Hong Kong SAR and the National Institute of Health, Thailand [4].
An excerpt from the coronavirus investigative committee (led by Dr. Reiner Fuellmich) below substantiates the fact that the RT PCR test is not appropriate for diagnosing Covid19 viral infection.
“Dr. Michael Yeadon writes, in a piece called “Lies, Damned Lies and Health Statistics: The Deadly Danger of False Positives”, dated September 20, 2020, and I quote “The likelihood of an apparently positive case being a false positive is between 89 to 94 per cent, or near certainty.” Dr. Yeadon, in agreement with the professors of immunology Kamera from Germany, Kappel from the Netherlands, and Cahill from Ireland, as well as the microbiologist Dr. Arve from Austria, all of whom testified before the German Corona Committee, explicitly points out that a positive test does not mean that an intact virus has been found. The authors explain that what the PCR test actually measures is – and I quote: “Simply the presence of partial RNA sequences present in the intact virus, which could be a piece of dead virus, which cannot make the subject sick, and cannot be transmitted, and cannot make anyone else sick.” Oxford Professor Carl Heneghan, Director of the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine, writes that the Covid virus would never disappear if this test practice were to be continued, but would always be falsely detected in much of what is tested. Lockdowns, as Yeadon and his colleagues found out, do not work. Sweden, with its laissez-faire approach, and Great Britain, with its strict lockdown, for example, have completely comparable disease and mortality statistics. The same was found by US scientists concerning the different US States”. (please see attached transcript of Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, Page 8).
Furthermore, the global rollout of the experimental covid19 injection for emergency use contravenes Article 32 of the Geneva convention, which states that “mutilation and medical or scientific experiments not required for the medical treatment of a protected person” are prohibited [5]. The administering of these experimental Covid19/SARS-COV2 jabs produced by pharmaceutical multinationals such as AstraZeneca, Johnson & Johnsons and Pfeizer/Moderna on a global basis violates multiple Nuremberg codes [6-7, see summary] and those complicit in propagating and administering these experimental covid-19 jabs/injections face imprisonment and prosecution according to the 1947 Nuremberg Code.
Those accountable under the Nuremberg codes include:
•Media, political and non-medical people which on a daily basis espouse the mantra that the experimental Covid19 injections are “safe and effective”, without long-term animal studies and advanced clinical trials to substantiate their claims, nor providing the evidence of the number of death and adverse injuries that have resulted from the administration of the covid-19 experimental injection.
• In fact, pharmaceutical companies who have developed the covid-19 experimental jab and health practitioners, have not outlined the risk associated with taking the covid-19 injection nor disseminated all the contents of the covid-19 shot. The CDC Vaccine Adverse Reaction Database (VAERS) as of April 17, 2021 and the EudraVigilance database up until 22 May, 2021 has documented over 4300 deaths and 200000 “vaccine/injection” injuries in the United States and over 7700 deaths and 463000 “vaccine/injection” injuries in the EU respectively, since the advent of the Covid19/SARS-Cov2 experimental jab [12a-b]
• Previous multiple and replicated animal studies in mice, ferrets and non-human primates confirmed that immunisation with SARS/Cov (coronavirus) vaccines induced an immunopathological lung disease upon challenge with SARS/Cov [8-11]. This was the case in all 4 types of vaccines tested, including two which contained the SARS/Cov spike protein and the other two which were inactivated forms of the SARS/Cov virus [8]. The authors of these studies conclude that “This combined experience provides concern for trials with SARS-CoV vaccines in humans… The concern arising from the present report is for an immunopathologic reaction occurring among vaccinated individuals on exposure to infectious SARS-CoV” [8]. Therefore, it is more than plausible that future infection with SARS/Cov2 (covid 19) in millions of vaccinated individuals may result in the equivalent lung pathology and morbidity in humans.
• Doctors, Nurses and health practitioners who have administered the Covid19/SARS-Cov2 experimental jab to individuals without providing sufficient information and a risk assessment of the potential dangers of taking this experimental covid19/SARS-Cov2 jab, who have therefore not enabled informed consent to the recipient of the experimental Covid19/SARS-Cov2 jab.
• Doctors, Nurses, and health professionals who have failed to inform their patients and the general public of the existence of alternative safer therapies which have been proven effective in the early treatment of Covid19 such as such as Ivermectin, vitamin D, vitamin C, zinc, and hydroxychloroquine in multiple studies [13-20]. These Covid-19 therapies have been concealed/undermined in the mainstream media by non-medical/scientific personnel and vested interests [21].
•In fact in June 2020, Surgisphere a newly created corporation, had two papers retracted in an attempt to invalidate the use of hydroxychloroquine as an effective treatment for covid-19 by providing fraudulent data [22]. As a result of this fraudulent study “Within days, public health bodies including the World Health Organization (WHO) and the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) instructed organizers of clinical trials of hydroxychloroquine as a COVID-19 treatment or prophylaxis to suspend recruitment, while the French government reversed an earlier decree allowing the drug to be prescribed to patients hospitalized with the virus” [22]. These actions of WHO, MHRA and French government based on fraudulent data prevented the use of hydroxychloroquine for covid-19 patients and helped to increase Covid-19 deaths and enable the implementation of emergency administration of the experimental covid19/SARS-Cov-2 injection.
•Just for the record this e-mail has been transmitted to all members of the Indian, British, Canadian, Parliaments as well as the US senate members, representatives, and state governors, so they are now privy to the Nuremberg Code and the multiple lawsuits being initiated. I have attached a summary of the Nuremberg codes currently being violated by the WHO, CDC, mainstream media, National Governments, and health practitioners as well as a transcript testimony from Dr. Reiner Fuellmich detailing the covid19 PCR test fraud.
Those individuals held responsible for propagating and administering the experimental Covid-19/SARS COV2 injection on a local, national, and global level can therefore be held liable for crimes against humanity under the Geneva convention/Nuremberg code.
Kindest regards
Dr Andrew Rallis
(BSc: Biomedical Science -Kings College London) & Associate of Kings College London
MSc: Molecular Biology and Pathology of Viruses – Imperial College London
PhD: Neurobiology – Kings College London
Postdoctoral Diploma: Pathology - Stanford
[1]. Monique Andersson, Nicola Low , Neil French , Trisha Greenhalgh , Katie Jeffery , Andrew Brent , Jonathan, Ball , Allyson Pollock , David McCoy , Miren Iturriza-Gomara , Iain Buchan , Helen Salisbury , Deenan Pillay , Will Irving. Rapid roll out of SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing-a concern. BMJ 2020 Jun 24;369:m2420.
[3]. Haddad G, Bellali S, Fontanini A, Francis R, La Scola B, Levasseur A, Bou Khalil J, Raoult D. Rapid Scanning Electron Microscopy Detection and Sequencing of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 and Other Respiratory Viruses. Front Microbiol. 2020; 11: 596180. Published online 2020 Nov 19.
[4]. https://www.who.int/docs/default-source/coronaviruse/whoinhouseassays.pdf
[5] The Geneva convention of 12 August 1949. Volume IV - GC_1949-IV.PDF. Article 32. Page 221-224.
[6] The Nuremberg Code (1947) BMJ 1996; 313 :1448 doi:10.1136/bmj.313.7070.1448. Part III Status and treatment of protected persons.
[7) https://evidencenotfear.com/James talks to Dr Reiner Fuellmich about Nuremberg 2 - James Delingpole - Evidence Not Fear.
[8] Tseng CT, Sbrana E, Iwata-Yoshikawa N, Newman PC, Garron T, et al. (2012) Immunization with SARS Coronavirus Vaccines Leads to Pulmonary Immunopathology on Challenge with the SARS Virus. PLOS ONE 7(4): e35421. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0035421
[9] Yasui F, Kai C, Kitabatake M, Inoue S, Yoneda M, et al. (2008) Prior immunization with severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-associated coronavirus (SARS-CoV) nucleocapsid protein causes severe pneumonia in mice infected with SARS-CoV. J Immunol 181: 6337–6348.
[10] Bolles M, Deming D, Long K, Agnihothram S, Whitmore , et al. (2011) A double-inactivated severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus vaccine provides incomplete protection in mice and induces increased eosinophilic proinflammatory pulmonary response upon challenge. J Virol 85: 12201–12215.
[11] Perlman S, Dandekar AA (2005) Immunopathogenesis of coronavirus infections: Implications for SARS. Nature Rev Immunol 5: 917–927.
[12a]. https://vaers.hhs.gov/
[12b]. https://www.adrreports.eu/en/search_subst.html#
[13]. Saul AW. (2020) Vitamin C Protects Against Coronavirus. Orthomolecular Medicine News Service http://orthomolecular.org/resources/omns/v16n04.shtml
[14]. Alipio MM. (2020) Vitamin D supplementation could possibly improve clinical outcomes of patients infected with Coronavirus-2019 (COVID- 2019). Preprint available at SSRN https://ssrn.com/abstract=3571484
[15]. Raharusuna P, Priambada S, Budiarti C et al. (2020) Patterns of COVID-19 Mortality and Vitamin D: An Indonesian Study.
[16]. Ilie, P., Stefanescu, S., Smith, L. (2020) The role of Vitamin D in the prevention of Coronavirus Disease 2019 infection and mortality. Research Square preprint. https://europepmc.org/article/ppr/ppr147305
[17] MATH+ Protocol | FLCCC | Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (covid19criticalcare.com)
[18] Gautret et al. (2020) Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin as a treatment of COVID‐19: results of an open‐label non‐randomized clinical trial. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents – In Press 17 March 2020 – DOI : 10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.105949
[19] Colson, P., Rolain, J. M., Lagier, J. C., Brouqui, P., & Raoult, D. (2020). Chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine as available weapons to fight COVID-19. International journal of antimicrobial agents, 55(4), 105932. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijantimicag.2020.105932
[20] Mercola J, Grant WB, Wagner CL. Evidence Regarding Vitamin D and Risk of COVID-19 and Its Severity; Nutrients October 31, 2020;12, 3361; doi:10.3390/nu12113361
[21] https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2021/05/04/removing-articles-related-to-vitamin-d-c-and-zinc.aspx
[22] https://www.the-scientist.com/features/the-surgisphere-scandal-what-went-wrong--67955
Additional articles and testimonies can be provided at your request. Please join in this fight against pure evil.
Community Aware Channel (YT ) is moved on Bitchute: as Unite For Truth Scotland
- see also: https://scottishunity.org/local-groups/
Great flyers/leaflets:
FB Antilockdown:
· Saving Scotland
· Saving Scotland -
Community Aware Scotland
· Scotland Against Lockdawn
· Awakening World
· Saving Scotland —Edinburgh Group
· Anti Corruption Scotland
· Wake Up Scotland
· STAND UP —Aberdeen&Shire
· Falkirk Rising
· Falkirk for Freedom
· Stirling against Lockdown
· Dundee Resistance Movement
· Pertshire for Informed Choice
· Highland No New Normal
· SMAAP—Scottish Musicians and Artists against the Poisoning of our Planet
· Scotland Rising
· Power to the People UK
· Event 202
· Free Britain
· David Icke
· Conscientous Objectors to Lockdown UK
· UK Lockdown Sceptics
· UK Unmasked
· Save Our Rights
· Stand Up X
· UK Vaccination Information — No Mandatory Vaccines
SCOTLAND For Safe Use of EMF devices mobile Wifi laptops 3G 4G STOP 5G! 384
SCOTTISH websites (still up March 2023): unitefortruth.online (previously communityawarescotland.info); cv19.uk;
UK websites: cvpandemicinvestigation.com; vernoncoleman.com; davidicke.com;
thebernician.net/critical-thinking ; kevinpcorbett.com ; event202.org/resources ;
lockdownsceptics.org; off-guardian.org; event202.org; saveourrights.uk; standupx.info; jbhandleyblog.com/home/lockdownlunacy
UK Forum: Britain For Freedom, Responsibility & Human Rights
COVID-19 – Police Scotland Response
Freedom Cells (US - Derrick Broze)
The following solicitors firms have previously offered free 24/7 help to protesters:
Commons: 020 3865 5403
ITN Solicitors: 020 3909 8100
Hodge Jones Allen (HJA): 0844 848 0222
Bindmans: 020 7305 5638
FOIA request addressed to the authorities by dr. Bartholomeus Lakeman (June - Oct 2020)
Being Played To Destruction An Exercise in Totalitarian Control (strategy suggestions by Jonathan Trapman)
Telegram Channels & Groups To Join
The People's Health Alliance - Channel
The People’s Food & Farming Alliance - Channel
Health Defense - Channel
(https://t.me/childrenshd)Children's Health
Defense Europe- Channel
World Council For Health - Channel
World Council For Health - Chat Group
World Doctors Alliance - Channel
British Nursing Alliance - Channel
Fluoride Free UK - Chat Group
A Stand In The Park UK & Ireland - Channel
Students Against Tyranny - Channel
No 2 NATO - Channel
Keep It Cash - Channel
Cash Is Freedom UK - Channel
Lawyers of Light - Channel
The Light Paper - Channel
Unity News Network (UNN)- Channel
Unity News Network (UNN) - Chat Group
UK Column - Channel
21st Century Wire - Channel
21st Century Wire - Chat Group
Not On The Beeb - Channel
OffGuardian - Channel
The Expose News - Channel
David Icke Official - Channel
Jerm Warfare Battleground - Channel
Just A Dude- Channel
Richard D Hall Official - Channel (https://t.me/richplanetofficial)
Nationwide Rallies UK - Chat Group
Rebels on Roundabouts - Chat Group
Scotland Against Lockdown - Channel
Scotland Against Lockdown - Chat Group
Scotland Against Vaccine Passports - Channel
Scotland Against Vaccine Passports - Chat Group
Scotland Is Awake - Chat Group
Unite For Truth - Chat Group
Awake In Inverclyde - Chat Group
UK Preppers & Coronavirus -Chat Group
Outreach Worldwide Glasgow - Channel
Resistance United Great Britain - Chat Group
UK Awakening - Chat Group
Delivering Liberty - Channel
Delivering Liberty - Chat Group (https://t.me/deliveringlibertychat)
Unity in the Community Cumbernauld
Medical doctors and lawyers allied against global malfeasance: in conversation with Heiko Schöning
The Bernician (Michael O'Bernicia) talks to Lawful Rebel his common-law strategy to deal with the encroaching and relentless loss of personal freedoms in the British Isles.
See also:
Extraordinary important news from Michael Bernicia and his team: 4 Nov 2020 (to be found also at:
Lord Sumption speaking against the Lockdown and related
Letter given to London Police and Manchester Police by Geza Tarjani (Nov 2020):
I am here lawfully as a flesh and blood human being to report crimes against the people of Britain and Ireland and to ask that the police investigate crimes including organised crime and genocide.
Notice of intended private criminal prosecution for pandemic fraud has been served on every serving MP, for and on behalf of the British Public by Michael O’ Bernicia
MP’s Served Notice of Private Criminal Prosecution For Pandemic Fraud
Here lies the Notice of Intended Private Criminal Prosecution, which was served upon every serving MP by email, for and on behalf of the British people.
Constable number ………………………..
You are hereby served notice that it is my intention to lay information in a Private Criminal Prosecution against yourselves, alleging that the following crimes have been committed against the British people:
1. Section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006 has been repeatedly breached in the enactment of the Coronavirus Act 2020 [the CV Act] – an act which was founded upon a series of dishonest statements relied upon by every serving MP. Namely:
a. That there was a genuine public health emergency, which justified the draconian measures taken.
b. That there was a legal basis for such an act to be passed into law.
c. That there was no viable alternative course of action that could be taken to “flatten the curve” of alleged COVID-19 deaths.
2. In addition, the CV Act unlawfully purports to have suspended the democratic right of every Briton to remove the government from office, as well as the individual rights guaranteed by the Common Law, which are beyond the jurisdiction of the legislature.
3. The CV Act also purports to have legislated for the falsification of death certificates, which has enabled the government to grossly inflate the number of people who have reportedly died of the COVID-19 virus, which in any event has never actually been proven to exist.
4. Nevertheless, the ONS data shows that the government policy which was enabled by the CV Act doubled the average five year UK mortality rate, which is considered tantamount to genocide under international law, when the fatal refusal of care to patients in care homes and hospitals is taken into account.
5. Furthermore, the enactment of the CV Act also comprises a fundamental breach of the Treason Felony Act 1848, in that it treasonously purports to authorise ministers of the Crown to govern the People by royal decree or proclamation, which is strictly prohibited by articles 1 and 2 of the Bill of Rights 1689.
6. In any event, as Lord Coke, the draftsman of the Petition of Right, said in the 1610 decision of Thomas Bonham v College of Physicians 8 Co Rep 107a; 77 Eng Rep 638, commonly known as Dr. Bonham’s Case, in the Court of Common Pleas:
“In many cases, the common law will control Acts of Parliament, and sometimes adjudge them to be utterly void: for when an Act of Parliament is against common right and reason, or repugnant, or impossible to be performed, the common law will control it and adjudge such an Act to be void.”
Should you collectively move to set aside the act which the Common Law adjudges to be repugnant, as well as void ab initio, as per the Dr Bonham case, no later than the midnight on the 2/10/2020, this action will be suspended.
However, in the event you fail to do so, for any reason whatsoever, a QC and legal team will be engaged to lay the information before a court of competent jurisdiction at the earliest opportunity and the Private Criminal Prosecution will commence.
Please be advised that a Grand Jury of the People has already determined that there is sufficient evidence to indict every MP for fraud, treason and genocide. This is your last chance to leave your mark on the right side of history because there is no jury that would not convict every complicit member of Parliament on the charges that will be laid.
Nevertheless, I trust you will see the devastating error you have made, before it is too late.
Yours sincerely,
Name…………………………………… Date ……………………
For & on behalf of the British People – All Rights Reserved
Because the most likely alternative is that the People will hold them all jointly accountable and complicit
The Bernician
Template Letters from POWER TO THE PEOPLE
LETTERS CHALLENGING MASK MANDATES:https://miriaf.webs.com/employer-mask-challenge
ALL OTHER LETTERS: https://miriaf.webs.com/site-index
Helping Hands Group Support (Samaritans)
Republic of Kanata (Canada) established in 2015 at the initiative of Kevin Annette, Nobel Prize nominee...
A passionate speech about the harmful lockdown, the false pandemic narrative and the designed collapse of the economy by the global corporate power in order to install the NWO .
Extraordinary speech of immunologist and chair of the Irish Freedom Party Dolores Cahill PhD in Edinburgh on the theme of the pandemic, lockdown, immunisation, human rights and natural health .
Great speech of scientist and activist prof. Richard Ennos, unveiling many essential truths behind the official narrative and encouraging a renewal of the community spirit based and love and trust. .
A great presentation of Dr. Kendrick's views on the coronavirus pandemic and lockdown measures based on verifiable scientific data
Dr. Scott, psychologist and psychoanalyst speaks about the psychological maneuvers meant to subdue and instill fear in the population during this pandemic and the actual consequences we are seeing today
Moira Brown and Daniel from the Dundee Resistance, sharing a passionate and very Scottish message in support of freedom, human rights and the power of the human spirit
Scottish historian Neil Oliver reacts to headlines that suggest police could intervene with Christmas celebrations that break coronavirus restrictions
'It will take millions of people on the streets to send a message to a disinterested government':
"Broadcaster Carol McGiffin: "It's really playing with people's minds. It's really playing with people's lives.[...] It's a runaway train and is not gonna stop.[...] They are absolutely lying.[...] This is a world that we don't want to live in."
Freedom of speech and the right to protest peacefully are protected by both the common law and the Human Rights Act 1998.
Furthermore, the ECHR (European Convention on Human Rights) as implied in Article 10 (the Right to Freedom of Expression) protects a right that’s fundamental to our democracy – freedom of expression – which means that we’re free to hold opinions and ideas and to share them with others without the state interfering. Article 11 (the Right to Peaceful Assembly) of the Human Rights Act 1998, meanwhile, allows for peaceful protest to take place without disturbance from authorities – unless of course any act of hostility or violence were to take place.
Knowing the restrictions and the law placed upon peaceful protest can ensure that the message of your protest is heard and is made clear.
When you are planning a protest, you do not necessarily need to inform the authorities (see point regarding marches above). Doing so, however, could prevent unnecessary trouble or difficulties arising on the day.
The police can impose conditions such as the maximum number of people and the duration of the protest. But the police can only do this if they believe these conditions are required to prevent public disorder or damage to property.
Police are more likely to be co-operative if they have good warning in advance of what to expect, and if they have a clear point of contact amongst the organisers of the protest. It is also more likely to reassure them that those organising the protest have made adequate considerations to make sure everything goes smoothly.
It may also turn out that you need a permit to protest in the area in which you wish to protest. For example, notification to the police will also always be required if the demonstration takes place around Parliament. Failing to gain this permit beforehand could lead to your protest being shut down, so it is worth contacting the police to find out whether you will need one.
Note, however, that any communication you make with the police could be used against you in court if the police decide to charge you for organising an illegal demonstration.
The police do have powers under the law to impose restrictions on planned protests. However, these restrictions are unique to each case, and your rights give you the option to appeal against any restrictions that the police attempt to make on your protest.
If you believe unfair restrictions have been placed on your protest, or the protest has been banned from occurring altogether, you may be able to make a case on one of three grounds:
Police can only place restrictions on a protest or demonstration if they have reason to believe that it will result in property damage, disruption of the community, or serious public disorder. Judicial challenges against these restrictions can only be made at the High Court. The restrictions may be imposed too late for a judicial challenge to be possible, and if you choose to go ahead with the protest in spite of these restrictions, you or your fellow protesters could find yourself placed under arrest.
However, if charges are brought against any protesters and it is found that the restrictions supporting those charges were unreasonable, charges would be dropped and the arrested protesters could be awarded compensation. Going ahead with your protest on this hope is very risky, and it is worth considering the rescheduling of your protest, or at least seeking legal advice.
(Source: tHE lAW AND THE rIGHT TO pROTEST: https://www.daslaw.co.uk/blog/right-to-peaceful-protest?fbclid=IwAR0GZINeIaYFem9sJO28JSgYUkn9-PWLNc4Oh2S777NUnSZbb7738vU3t-E)
Michale O'Bernicia advice (3 Nov 2020):
" Nevertheless, in the event a hardcore member of the resistance is approached by a criminal government policy enforcement officer, for not complying with any unlawful COVID-1984 diktat...
"Under the protection of Magna Carta 2020, you are hereby notified that I am exercising my Common Law right to obey the diktats of my conscience, which provides me with the lawful excuse to resist all forms of government tyranny, for which I cannot be lawfully arrested, punished or penalized.
Please be advised that, should you impede me in exercising this unalienable birthright of every Briton, you will be personally and criminally liable for any injury, damages, harm or loss you cause and everything you say or do will be taken as evidence that you have collaborated with fraudulent, treasonous and murderous government policy."
If they respond, as they usually do, by telling you that there is a pandemic and you are bound to follow lockdown rules...
"Freedom of Information responses have proven that there is no pandemic, since every government department has now admitted that they have no evidence that either the virus or its cause exist, as well as the fact that the PCR tests do not detect any virus or disease.
Therefore, should you continue with the enforcement of criminal government diktats which have no force of law, having been given notice of such, I will use all reasonable force necessary to resist your attempt to commit a crime ancillary genocide and you will be arrested and tried for your crimes against the People."
In the alternative, you could exercise your unalienable right to remain silent, no matter what they do or say, preferably after handing them a copy of the above quoted paragraphs.
However, if you are not as hardcore and prefer resistance light...
"I am exercising my common law right to live my life without impediment, as long as I cause no harm, damage, injury of loss, so kindly let me go about my business because government diktats are not laws and you don't have the right to enforce them, especially when they are founded on a tissue of lies."
Just in case you still get falsely arrested and incarcerated, take no form of ID with you [not even a debt card]. If you remain silent and refuse to identify yourself, they cannot write a name on a charge sheet and they will be forced to release you without charge, normally within 24 hours.
Any of you who witness such an unlawful arrest, demand to know from the arresting criminals which station the political prisoner is being taken to and gather all around you to follow them down the location.
Get as many people as you can to stand outside the station until they are released without charge, whilst being prepared to demand their release after 24 hours, in the event they have not been charged with a common law offence."
#DONTYOUDARE: Peaceinspace.org Tribunal Stops deadly planned Vaccination Genocide: Judge Seven [UK]
Natural and Common Law Tribunal for Public Health and JusticeDownload THE PEACEINSPACE.ORG TRIBUNAL FACT SHEET
Judgment of the Tribunal in the matter of Genocidal Technologies Pandemic On the Indictment: Genocide & Crimes against Humanity by 5G-Pandemic Perpetrators
Final Judgment:
Download FINAL JUDGMENT - NATURAL AND COMMON LAW TRIBUNAL- November 29 2020https://exopolitics.blogs.com/files/final-judgment---natural-and-common-law-tribunal--november-29-2020.pdf
MANIFESTO OF FREEDOM COMMUNITY CO-OPERATIVE SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTS............................................................................................
Welcome to year two of the SCAM-demic Lockdown New World Order Fascist Reign of Terror Dictatorship all dressed up as a health-scare & home of: Vaccine Passport, Magnetic Injection Sites, Counter Terrorist Surveillance System, World ID, Great Reset, New Normal, Cashless Society, Denying Visits to Dying Relatives in Hospitals & Care Homes, Universal Basic Income, Psyops, Detention Centers, Chip Implants, New Variants, Negative Interest Banking, Mass Redundancy, Coerced Injections, Bogus Death-Tolls, 10 Year Jail, £10 000 Fines, Lockstep Program, Vaccine-Death, Digital Currency, Fake Meat, Synthetic Food, Insect Food, Monsanto GMO Poison Sprayed Frankenfood, Track & Trace, Martial Law, Police State, Censorship, Internet of Things, Agenda 21, Agenda 30, GMO food, Transhumanism, Unending Vaccinations & Testing, Social Distancing, FakeMasks, Death Camps, Homeland Security control, Internet Censorship & Bans, Road Blocks, Curfews, Stealing, Storing & Selling Facial Recognition Data, Abuse of Positions of Trust & Power, Own Nothing Society, Build Back Better & Outlawing Protests equals PRISON PLANET WITHOUT BARS declaring war on the People & creating life or death conditions for the non-elite & so it is up to us to devise a plan that will defeat it because HOAX virus, HOAX pandemic & HOAX vaccine but REAL New World Order Reign of Terror while the next 'big thing' is going to be 'VACCINE PASSPORTS' ('Traffic Light Permit') which are being sold as 'FREEDOM PASSPORTS' or 'Green Passports' & they plan to force EVERYBODY onto the tracking system - it will mean 2 nose swabs (or anal if we prefer :-) fraudulent 'tests' EVERY week! - it will mean never ending 'BOOSTER SHOTS' especially for the hoax 'NEW VIRUS VARIANTS' - the VACCINE PASSPORT app on our phone will text us to mandate we provide SWABS, go for our never ending SHOTS, when to self-isolate for 10 days & yet more mandates but without the app & up to date QR CODE on our phone we will not be allowed into Hospitals, clinics, workplaces, sporting events, cinemas, pubs, gyms, supermarkets, national or foreign travel etc etc etc without V-P clearance so people will be complete SLAVES to Vaccine Passport which issues personal text mandates to your mobile using AI algorythms from a computer in Geneva Switzerland which can handle all 8 billion personal profiles & when vacancies for Covid Marshals arise the V-P will mandate us via text where to go & if we don't go our benefits or wages will be affected as FINES are at £10 000 ($14 000) 10 years JAIL TIME for failure to comply while people don't know what the V-P will comprise as they have been told it's a 'FREEDOM-PASSPORT' or 'GREEN PASSPORT' hocum which is just deceit & trickery & VP has already been SOLD to every government in the World as it's hidden agenda - THE COUNTER TERRORIST SURVEILLANCE SYSTEM - so we are ALL surveilled asterrorists now while the Vaccine Passport, Biometric Network withTrack+Trace, including criminal personal DNA data thieving, storage & sales, outlawing protests is a extention of the previous swindles & social-engineering they pulled with mythical viruses & SCAM-demics like 'AIDS-HIV, MERS, SARS, Ebola, Zika, Swine Flu & Bird flu' & their equally fake remedies with 'virus research' costing billion$ of tax-payers money, the same people now dictating FAKEmask mandates, harassment, demanding we follow the arrows, refusing us entry to pubs, restaurants, gym & cinemas with Covid Marshal harrassment, police harrassment, army harrassment, electronic-stalking, pregnancy & birth-elimination, job destruction, smashing up church services, continuing & increasing the 'austerity measures' that were already in operation, unaproved experimental fake vaccines, attacking special needs, elders, unemployed, disabilities & most vulnerable in society, destroying both mental & physical health, smashing up funerals, smashing up weddings, health scare-mongering & fear-mongering, smashing up parties & sports events along with social engineering, vaccine appartheid, vaccine reservations, destroying families, destroying marriages, demanding social-isolation, social distancing, OCD handwashing, psychotic hand sanitising & population-reduction genocidal program of the New World Order Shadow Government Secret Societies reign of terror with electronic dictatorship which dictates to us where we can go & where we can't go, who we can see & who we can't see, what we can do & what we can't do with 'War on Covid-19' an extension of 'War on Drugs' & the 'War on Terror' Homeland Security oppression which is all masterminded & sold to every country in the World by Bill Gates & his gang of fanatical eugenics secret society tyrants to genocide the World by 7 billion & keep half a billion of their slaves to work the factories & farms since the 'virus' is fictitious but the lockdown is real, a hoax pandemic but real global police state, blood-poisoning, zero-liability, lethal vaccine concoctions, containing blood-poisoning cocktails of mercury, aluminium, formaldehyde, latex, chimpanzee, human fetus, pig & dog but real global martial law with invalid Covid-19 swab 'tests' to steal, store & sell our DNA data, uncertified experimental vaccines, jiggery pokery death certificates & hocus pocus death tolls all faked by using the totally invalid fraudulent sleight of hand PCR 'test' with genocide camps already set up & being filled as they've killed thousands already with hospital treatment cancellations & suicides with their oxygen poisoning & 'End of Life Care', 'Do Not Resusitate' & 'No Autopsies' & 'Isolation Camps' (Death Camps) turning care homes & hospitals into death camps, while the unelected, unqualified trickster protocol of the 'World Health Organisation' funded by Bill Gates & Rockefeller Foundation 'Operation Lockstep'which was sent to hospitals all around the World to: "Isolate, oxygenate, intubate, ventilate, sedate & record all deaths as Covid-19" to artificially manufacture mumbo jumbo death-tolls - all aided & abetted by the fascist Facebook-Instagram-Snapchat-Twitter-YouTube-Google censorship & user bans for critics with ever increasing austerity measures leaving it totally impossible to ever 'go back to normal' & accept the 'New Normal' lie while inducing mass-hysteria & mass psychosis into citizens creating a World of paranoid schizophrenic germophobic virtue signalling Mask-Monkeys receiving endless injections of blood-poison while the equally unqualified, unelected capitalist huckster 'World Economic Forum' Klaus Schwab threatens ominous, sinister 'Great Reset' to refashion the World in THEIR own image & 'Build Back Better' along with their extorting aspirations of Negative Bank Interest Rate & 'Cashless-Society' where our bank cards can be switched off denying us access to goods & services so forcing us to do their bidding & anyone who questions their hidden agendas dressed up as a health-scare they slander as: "Conspiracy-Theorists, Anti-Vaxxers, Covid-Deniers, Refuseniks & Terrorists" in the greatest crime against humanity providing billions in profits for the billionaires & the vaccine industry with no intention of ever lifting the Lockdown but we unite in freedom with all power to the Freedom Fighters & the final solution being Mass Action to overthrow the New World Order all around the World since we are the 99% exposing the $CAM-demic Lockdown & to BOYCOTT - BLACKLIST - BANKRUPT all shops, services, organisations & individuals supporting the SCAM-demic Lockdown while giving support to all the Resistance & to BOYCOTT - BLACKLIST & BANKRUPT Bill Gates & his Vaccine, Windows, Monsanto, McDonalds, Coca Cola & Burger King investments along with a BOYCOTT - BLACKLIST - BANKRUPT of fascist Facebook, YouTube, Google & Twitter but using MeWe, BrandNewTube & DuckDuckGo while we eat/grow/sell organic food, purchase sustainable products & use Linux free software & BOYCOTT - BLACKLIST - BANKRUPT all cashless shops, services & companies who refuse to deal with unvaxxed customers & go Cash Only as we shop @ co-ops, not paying fines since they are not valid, bank at credit unions not commercial banks, not doing post holiday quarantine since it is not valid or enforceable, not snitching on neighbours, while supporting human rights, civil liberties, freedom of association, freedom of education as government keeping children from school is an imprisonable offence, free speech, freedom of movement, right of self defense, freedom of employment, freedom of worship, freedom of assembly so developing food supply network, clothing, accomodation & practicing: 'high-fives', 'Hugs 'R' Us' doing The Freedom Dance, joining The Freedom Band & singing The Freedom Song, wearing yellow vests like the French revolutionaries & Mass Action Rally EVERY Saturday @12.00 Noon every town center, every country in the World while one person, town or country remains in chains then no person, town or country is free & so execute Mass Action Citizens Arrest on fascist UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson, Joe Biden, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Tedros Ghebreyesus, Klaus Schwab & all their co-conspirators & treasonous traitors for fraud, deception & 'ULTRA VIRES' (lat) exceeding their powers, crimes against humanity genocide (suicides & hospital appointment cancellations) & try @ a Common Law People's Court saying no to FAKEmasks, no to the fake PCR test, REJECT THE INJECT, shut down the Covid test sites & the Covid innoculation sites as a danger to public health, ban poisonous vaccination, terminate all tax-payers funding of trillion dollar 'virus research', abolish vaccine industry, abolish fraudulent WHO, abolish fraudulent WEF, supporting workers strikes, People's Assemblies, occupations, celebrations, demonstrations, Freedom Fighters, Freedom Zones, Freedom Parties, Freedom Rallies, Freedom Community Co-operatives, co-operate & share to show we care - FREEDOM FROM DICTATORSHIP? - MASS ACTION! Global Mass Rallies Saturday 29th May - My MeWe Social Media: https://mewe.com/i/billhoward30
Your Right to Protest - A guide for Protestors
# Tell the Scottish government that we wish for no more ineffective lockdowns.
NOTICE of CONDITIONAL ACCEPTANCE TO OFFER (of vaccination) - Australia
James Robertson (August 2020)
For those who still can not see!
This was NEVER about any BS flu virus with a near 100% recovery rate. Can't you see that?? The perception of an alleged "deadly" virus is simply the viechle/tool they needed to sell you fear. They've used the corrupt/complicit mainstream media to broadcast 24/7 fear porn and state sponsored propaganda, so you would surrender your own thinking process and critical thinking skills. When they have you living in total fear, you are easily controlled and manipulated. They have used that fear to strip away your civil liberties, freedoms and God given humam rights. They have used that fear to bring in unlawful legislation lockdowns and draconian social distancing measures that destroy us at the very core ,of what it is to be sentient human beings, without a shot fired.
Making people wear masks 6 months into an alleged "deadly" virus is like wearing a condom to a baby shower. Wearing a pointless, detrimental mask has NOTHING to do with health or science and everything to do with complying with a false flag tyrannical agenda. Its about total control, comformity and silencing your voice. Your mask is simply a training device. Just like a nappy or pull up pants are to a child They have convinced you that you need something to go outside, that you need something to be safe from other human beings. So you will readily accept their toxic vaccine when your government suggests you get it. Your mask is both pointless and detrimental to your childrens health. It is trauma based psychological abuse. Even if there was an airborne virus (which theres not) wearing a mask is the equivalent of trying to use a chain link fence to stop mosquitoes. They have simply rebranded seasonal flu and sold it back to you as the black plague.
The virus had all but disappeared physically and in the minds of the masses just as seasonal flu does each and every year, through the summer months. People were getting back on with their lives and not living in fear. So what do they have to do? They make masks mandatory not from the start of the pandemic... NO not at the peak when its allegedly killing the most...NO but at the end when its just about dissappeared. Why? because they need you to live in constant fear and wearing the mask keeps that fear of a deadly virus back into the consciousness of the masses. I know many if not all will instantly dismiss this as the ramblings of a conspiracy nut but i am neither stupid or crazy. This was never about any virus which has a lower mortality rate than seasonal flu. They simply needed the perception a deadly virus to push through the real agenda of medical tyranny. Of the culling of the masses, genocide of the herd through forced vaccination. Pretty soon they will slowly but surely bring in laws one by one. Your children wont be allowed to go to school without vaccine certification. No travelling or holidays, no going to work, no right to vote, no driving licence, no mortgage, no concerts or sporting events, no shopping or going to public areas like parks. No leaving your home. None of this unless you gave vaccine certification.
I implore you all to listen. DO NOT take this vaccine when it comes! It is a death sentence for all that take it. if you are lucky to survive the initial injection it will most certainly cause disease in later life, this toxic vaccine will be DNA altering, canncer causing, Autoimmune triggering. We have God given immune systems. Humanity has survived through millenia living in a thick soup of bacteria and viruses, it is what makes us strong. We do not need a vaccine for something that has lower mortality rate than flu. We've had a flu vaccine for over 70 years yet still hundreds of thousands die of flu each year? You're seriously gonna volunteer your children to be injected with unknown toxic chemical cocktails based on the words of proven liars and murderers. Your government does not care about your health. These are the same people who poison our air, water and food supplies. They are all complicit..Governments, Big pharma, Bill and Melinda Gates foundation, clinton foundation, CDC, FDA, World health organisation. They all want and benefit from the forced vaccination of 7.5 billion. Its in their best interests to make us sick and keep us sick. There is a depopulation agenda here, these evil psycopaths deem the herd to be too big. They want all the land and resources to themselves. Think logically, big pharma and vaccine industries are multi Trillion dollar business its in their best interests to make us sick and keep us sick.THERE IS NO PROFIT IN CURE
So yes you should ALL be anti-government.
mandatory vaccinations
cashless society
Medical tyranny
Every man women and child microchipped
5G facial recognition technology on every street, corner and shop
Chinese social crediting system
tyrannical, totalitarian, centralised technocracy. Orwells 1984 come to fruition
Please WAKE UP! Don't attack or police freethinkers and fellow citizens who will not accept this tyranny. Do your own due diligence, do your own research, because if we don't all wake up now and stand together the world our children will live and be born into will be one none of us can bare.
"I am so sorry you have been scared by the corona narrative so much you haven't had the inclination or the time to verify what you are being told. You have been lied to horrendously, We have had a novel virus circulating since at least early December, It is irrelevant what they called it as it has never been identified or purified as it has never gone thorough Kosh postulate. There was no increase in mortality until the government implemented draconian fascists rules, that they themselves don't follow, this means the NHS were not overwhelmed, and were treating people who needed additional help fantastically. They are using a test called RT-PCR, which doesn't look for a virus or a viral load, it is designed to replicate RNA fragment, they are also using a 40 cycles to replicate, although it's creator who won a Nobel prize in chemistry for this invention stated it was never to be used as a diagnostic test, this is partly to do with it's sensitivity of 60-70% meaning 30-40% would be false positives, and these tests should normally go through 25-30 cycles. The mask offers no scientific protection against virus, but do come with health risks, in fact they even found in a study that patients who were operated on by surgeons not wearing masks had less infections than those who worn masks. The concept of social distance was thought up by a 14 year old student for a science fair, but as sociable creatures, humans need interactions. Not to mention the fraudulent death certs that anyone with any symptoms they claim is from this virus, or anyone that might have been exposed is listed as a covid death, even a month after a positive test with no symptoms. The policy's of mass DNR's of those over 45, the cancelling of practically all assessments and treatments, incorrect treatments (eg vents that kill 9 of out 10 people who are put on them, and with-holding very effective safe treatments used and proved in the 2003 SARS outbreak), social isolation, the lack of medical treatment, the elderly and long term sick dying on their own, the finical hardship, loneliness, depression and other mental health issues not being assessed and treated, and fear itself is what is killing people, and this shows in the only spike, that happened after lock down. As someone with a science background and anyone who wishes can do the same the evidence is out there to prove this is nothing more than a power grab by governments around the world to bring in total control of the population and strip citizen's of their human rights, there is a reason Germany has 60% of their population standing up against this farce, it is that as a nation they have been through it before in the lead up to WW2. I am so sorry you have lost people, but we all have, But most of us have lost people due to the rules and guidelines not because of a nasty virus. The rules you are so desperately wanting to defend out of fear has killed far more than this virus and the governments need to held to account, feel free to send FOI to the governments and public health bodies on the actual science they are being lead by, actually ask to see the science like I did, and you will find they won't give you any information, they just claimed it would take too long, but surely all this science is readily available to all MP so they can be informed before they vote for anything? you would have thought, but no, they don't have the science to support anything they have done. What they have is a script called lock step dreamed up in 2010 by the rockerfeller foundation, which is why almost the whole world has followed the same actions. I stand up for Tyranny for all of humanity, I want to be able to look my children and grandchild in the eyes and say I tried to protect their freedom and rights. The actual statically risk of dying actually from this scary virus for the over 60's and immune compromised is as dangerous as walking down your high street, and for the young they have a higher chance of being struck by lighting. We do ot need a very experimental vaccine that has missed vital safety steps, and has never been tested against an inert placebo. But cancer affect 1 in 3, Autism is as high as 1 in 34, here is a link to the WHO list of top 10 causes of death, these are the real pandemic's, not a slightly aggressive common cold (please look up corona virus' in any medical book) https://www.who.int/.../detail/the-top-10-causes-of-death We are adults who can make our own risk assessment, and do not need government or a nanny state telling what we can do, when we can do it, how we can do it, and with whom we can do it. My 69 year old mother had this in January, yes she felt rough, but a week in bed, lots of vitamins and fluids and she fully recovered without any outside medical intervention, the similar to me when I got it in March, and I have numerous pre-existing conditions that put me at high risk, but as I live alone, I coped without assistance. Please look into everything, and I welcome you to prove me wrong with actual scientific studies. We are all responsible for our own health and our own lives."
15 Reasons Why Millions of People Once Died From ‘Infectious’ Diseases
During the 19th century, the population of London swelled by more than six-fold, from 1 million to more than 6 million inhabitants, to become the largest city in the world. All across the western world, as the Industrial Revolution took hold, vast numbers of rural folk moved into towns and cities. For example, in 1750, only 15% of the population lived in towns, but by 1880, a massive 80% of the population were urban dwellers. The Industrial revolution, and city living, promised a better life but, for many, it became an unimaginable nightmare.With housing in short supply, unscrupulous landlords turned buildings into tenements, and leased every spare inch to desperate families – dingy damp cellars, fire-trap attics and under-stair storage rooms, many without any ventilation or light. Just imagine the damp, mouldy air that these people were constantly breathing – it’s hardly a wonder that tuberculosis and pneumonia were the biggest killers, accounting for one-fifth of all deaths.Disease and death were distressingly close in these crowded quarters, sometimes the dead corpses remained rotting in tiny, one-bedroom apartments, while the family tried to scrape together enough pennies to bury them.
Entire streets had to share one outdoor toilet, which was usually in foul condition – cleaning supplies were expensive, and flies hung around in droves (and then made their way through open windows to nearby kitchens etc), and of course, diarrhoea was ever-present! Sewerage drained into waterways used for drinking, via open channels in the streets and lanes, or simply lay stagnant in stinking cesspools of filth.
With no environmental laws in place, raw sewage poured into drinking water supplies, as did run-off and toxic waste from factories and animal slaughterhouses. “The spill-off from the slaughter-houses and the glue factories, the chemicals of the commercial manufacturers, and all of Chicago’s raw sewage had begun to contaminate the drinking water”.In London, the River Thames, which was the source of drinking water for many Londoners, became a stinking flow of excrement and filth, as human, animal and industrial waste was dumped into it. “In the heatwave of 1858, the stagnating open sewer outside Westminster’s windows fermented and boiled under the scorching sun”.During a cholera epidemic in London, in 1854, Dr John Snow realized that the only people who seemed to be completely unaffected were the workers at a local brewery – they were drinking beer instead of water! The discovery that disease could be spread via water was revolutionary, and paved the way for massive sanitary reforms
With slow, unreliable transport, and no refrigeration, food was often past its use-by date. Diseased and rotting meat was made into sausages and ham.Milking cows were often fed on ‘whisky slops’ and other rotting, cheap food, and therefore became diseased. ‘New York’s milk supply was also largely a by-product of the local distilleries, and the milk dealers were charged with the serious offense of murdering annually eight thousand children’.Before pasteurization, milk was treated with formaldehyde to prevent souring. ‘Fresh’ produce, when it was available, was not so fresh after all - often slimy, putrid, and unfit for human consumption.
During the 19th century, countless mothers died during or soon after childbirth. There were a number of reasons for this: a) Malnutrition was rife, b) Doctors took offense at the idea they had dirty hands, and refused to wash them, c) chloroform and forceps were used unnecessarily in uncomplicated labours, and d) many girls grew up with deformed hips due to rickets, which later resulted in problems during childbirth.If the baby survived past infancy, they could generally look forward to a life of malnutrition, hard labour and improper care, often performed by older siblings. During the Industrial Revolution, many mothers worked long hours in factories, leaving their young children in the care of hired ‘nurse-girls’, who were little more than children themselves, between 8-12yrs of age.Tens of thousands of children ended up living on the streets, driven to stealing and pilfering in order to survive.
With the Industrial Revolution in full swing, and labour in short supply, children as young as three and four were put to work in sweatshops and factories. Many of the jobs involved long hours, working in dangerous conditions, such as around heavy machinery or working near furnaces. Children were forced to do back-breaking work in the most appalling conditions. Children were sometimes crushed to death, or had limbs severed, in some of the more dangerous industries, such as underground mining. Basically, millions of children had no childhood, but a monotonous, depressing existence.And to make matters worse, many children were constantly exposed to poisons, such as arsenic, lead and mercury, which were being widely used in industries, such as silk and cotton spinning. Adulthood didn’t bring much change – hard labour, often for 12-16 hours per day. The terrible conditions and over-work, along with poor diet, aged people quickly: “...from the 1830’s photographs show working people looking old by their thirties and forties, as poor nutrition, illness, bad living conditions and gross overwork took their toll’ [22].
Factories spewed soot and waste into the air, unchecked and unregulated. Cities were covered in a layer of grease and grime. It’s no surprise that lung and chest complaints were rife. And then there was the ever-present stench of open sewage, rubbish, animal dung etc. ‘Refuse, including the rotting corpses of dogs and horses, littered city streets. In 1858, the stench from sewage and other rot was so putrid that the British House of Commons was forced to suspend its sessions.That episode became known as ‘The Great Stink’, and in 1952, atmospheric conditions coupled with coal-fire burning, led to the event now known as ‘The Great Smog” – which killed some four thousand people.Even today, an estimated 9000 people die prematurely each year in London alone, due to air pollution. Yet the levels of pollution in Victorian times were up to 50x worse than they are today – how many lives must have been cut short because of the foul air poisoning their lungs?
Infant formula was first patented and marketed in 1865, made from cow's milk, wheat and malt flour, and potassium bicarbonate – and regarded as ‘perfect infant food’.Over the next 100 years, breastfeeding rates dropped to just 25%, as social attitudes disdained the practice as being only for the uneducated, and those who could not afford infant formula.Not only did millions of babies miss out on the nurturing of their mother’s breast, but their formula was poor quality, and often made with contaminated water in unsterile bottles, and milk quickly spoiled during warm weather without refrigeration. It’s hardly a wonder that so many babies succumbed to diarrheal infections, such as typhoid fever.
Without a proper disposal system in place, alleys, courtyards, and streets became littered with rubbish and waste – sometimes knee-high, which was not only offensive-smelling, but a great attraction for all kinds of scavengers - rats, pigs, dogs, cockroaches and swarms of flies.
Because horses and donkeys were used to transport goods, they also had to be housed in overcrowded cities, often in close quarters to humans, since space was at a premium. Rotting carcases were left to decompose where they lay. By the late 19th century, 300,000 horses were being used in London, creating 1000 tonnes of dung per day.Pigs roamed freely in the streets, ferreting amongst the rubbish – some towns recorded more resident pigs than people. Animal slaughterhouses were located amongst high-density tenement housing – animals were constantly slaughtered in full view of the surrounding residents, and the sounds and smell of death were constantly in the air.
Due to the burning of coal, and wood fires, cities were blanketed in a thick, black smog that covered everything in grime. The murk was so dense that countless accidents occurred, including horses and carts running into shop-fronts, or over pedestrians, or into each other.Vitamin D deficiency was widespread, and in the late 1800’s, studies concluded that up to 90% of children were suffering from rickets. In young girls, this often led to deformed hips, and later on, problems in childbirth
Millions of families subsisted on the cheapest food possible, and many lived on the brink of starvation. Malnutrition was rife, with so little fresh fruits and vegetables in the diet.Scurvy (Vitamin C deficiency) claimed an estimated 10,000 men during the California Gold Rush in the mid-1800’s. Even in those who did not have overt signs of scurvy, a state of mild deficiency must have been prevalent, leading to weakened immunity to disease and infection.
If you thought blood-letting and leeches were dubious enough, how about an injection of arsenic – proudly brought to you by Merck and Co? Or a gargle with mercury – where’s the harm? And if you have smallpox, we’ll dab your sores with corrosives.Treatment for syphilis included mercury rubs, bismuth injections, and arsenic injections – some patients endured more than 100 such injections.It’s highly possible that the medical ‘treatments’ killed more people than the diseases they were intended to treat. Hospitals were known to be breeding-grounds of disease, and in many cases, over-run by rats so hungry they were known to eat patients.
With less than 2% of the urban population with running water to their homes, and soap/detergents viewed as luxuries, washing of hands, clothes, plates and utensils had to be done with dirty, contaminated water – or not at all. Note that items such as nappies and sanitary ‘rags’ also had to be washed – no ‘disposables’ in those days!
We now know that stress and fear take a huge toll on the body, resulting in immune system malfunction. Can you imagine the mental anguish of being surrounded by abject poverty, and seeing no way of escape for yourself or your children? Or the panic of watching everybody you love succumb to a dreaded disease, and not having the knowledge or means to protect yourself? Fear and hysteria ran high during disease outbreaks – during a cholera epidemic in the US in 1849 “thousands fled panic-stricken before the scourge…The streets were empty, except for the doctors rushing from victim to victim, and the coffin makers and undertakers following closely on their heels”.Not to mention the stress of toiling for long hours in monotonous or dangerous work, with hardly a piece of dry bread to fill your hungry stomach?Given the poor living conditions that millions suffered, it was hardly a wonder that average life expectancy among the working class was, tragically, just 15 or 16 years.Into this backdrop of filth and misery, vaccines were introduced, and today given all the credit for eradicating diseases that were encouraged and spread, not because of lack of vaccines, but because of poverty and foul living conditions
Martin Blackshaw (aka Athanasius) 23rd June 2020
Letter sent to Nicola Sturgeon and sent it off today, copied to Jackson Carlaw and Richard Leonard on the opposition benches.
Dear First Minister,
A few days ago I received your general letter to the Scottish people in which you thank us for our “admirable” help in tackling the Covid-19 crisis. It is a letter that I believe will be historically recorded as one of the most condescending and untruthful letters ever written by a national leader.
The Scottish people, as you well know, had no choice in the matter of how Covid-19 was tackled. You simply assumed to yourself a totalitarian authority beyond your remit, as did Boris Johnson, and used it with police backing to suppress civil liberties and human rights. In effect, you imposed the Beijing method to treat the Chinese virus!
The people did not willingly co-operate in this appalling abuse of authority, they were coerced into compliance. If many resigned themselves to the power grab and its dire consequences it was only because government and the media terrified them into submission with propaganda to the effect that the plague was upon them. Fear is a great persuader, especially irrational fear induced psychologically by a government-sponsored ‘silent assassin’ narrative.
The ruse was finally exposed on June 7, however, when the Scottish Government in conjunction with Police Scotland permitted an anti-racism demonstration to take place on Glasgow Green. There were thousands of people present at that rally, very few of them wearing face masks and none of them observing social distancing rules.
This single event was proof positive that the Scottish Government had never truly believed Covid-19 to be a threat to the general public, a fact borne out by official statistics showing that less than 2500 people from a population of 5.5 million have died with the virus, though not necessarily of the virus.
This relatively small number equates to 0.04% of the Scottish population, of which around half were elderly people locked down in care homes while the remainder were largely people with compromised immune systems. In fine, these were tragic deaths of people who would have been at risk from any respiratory virus.
The same can be said of statistics south of the border; a relatively low percentage of deaths in terms of overall population conflated with deaths from all manner of other causes due to a general suspension of post mortem examinations and similarly questionable methods.
If 40% of empty NHS acute beds in the UK at the height of the “crisis” tells us anything it is that there was never a plague, just a virus which, as Sir Chris Whitty, Chief Medical Officer for England, declared from Downing Street on May 11, “is harmless for the majority”.
Both the Scottish and UK governments have terrorised the British public for three months now in the matter of this virus, using it to suppress democratic freedoms in an unprecedented manner and placing the economy in a serious downward spiral. It is a surreal turn of events that is Constitutionally radical and evidentially unjustifiable.
Furthermore, both governments have imposed the most disgraceful restrictions on religious worship while allowing massive anarchist gatherings and riots to take place in the public square to the great detriment of the established order. This tactic of simultaneous oppression of religion and toleration of public anarchy is classic Marxism.
Given that the same cultural Marxist subversion is being mirrored in the Democrat-led States of America right now, always with the approval of the left wing media, I think it not unreasonable to suspect that the free world is undergoing an orchestrated geopolitical assault on democracy with a view to replacing it with the “New Normal” of Socialist Totalitarianism.
Whatever the end game, official statistics and declarations conclusively prove that this Police State phenomenon has nothing whatever to do with a genuine health threat. Rather, it is our Western democratic culture that is under threat and the informed public are catching on.
Given the unprecedented nature of this bold assault on British freedom it is now evident that the UK desperately needs a new system of politics, one in which patriotic men and women recognise anew that they are elected to serving office and not to self-serving ruling power.
Until that happy day dawns, let me assure you that I will never abide by mandatory face masks on public transport, the 2m distancing rule or any other unscientific imposition on my freedom. Neither will I submit to surveillance methods such as track and trace or abusive legislation to force mandatory vaccination. This kind of government overreach belongs in Communist China and north Korea, not in free democratic Britain! (https://catholictruthblog.com/2020/06/23/scottish-government-does-not-truly-believe-virus-claims-response-to-sturgeon-letter/)
[Forwarded from Simone [Event 202]]
Simone [Event 202], [Jan 17, 2021 at 16:28]
This is from Miri Anne Finch, Lawyer. UKMFA:
“Collective Narcissism” and the “Dark Triad”: Those Who Protest against the “Official” Covid-19 Narrative are Categorized as “Psychopaths”. Is It A Witch Hunt?
Same 'science has been promoted by the UK Metro (Oct 27, 2020):
Refusal to wear masks ‘is linked to anti-social personality disorder’
German capital BANS anti-lockdown protest, condemning ‘corona deniers & right-wing extremists’
The fruitful result of the gigantic pandemic propaganda in the UK shows dissenters becoming 'the enemy of the people': https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/sep/11/covid-lockdown-rules-more-divisive-than-brexit-survey-finds"Polling of 10,000 people found that half of mask-wearers in Britain (58%) have severely negative attitudes towards those who do not wear a mask, and the majority (68%) of people who did not break lockdown rules have strong negative views about lockdown rule-breakers."
Being Played To Destruction - An Exercise in Totalitarian Control (JONATHAN TRAPMAN)
"One thing seems obvious from yesterday, according to many reports coming from individuals of suffering headaches and other ailments, the operations of the like of 77 Brigade and GCHQ are using targeted crowd control techniques, of the EMF wavelength disruption and mind control. From some readings seen, these have been relatively light attacks, more conducive with seeing the testing of such well known methodologies. Expect a ramp up, folks. Better still make the guerrilla techniques, that avoid such happenings, the way to go.
So what is the solution?
Well first that people must recognise they are being played like violins. Secondly, stop doing the same old, same old over and over again. We are in WWW3 and this war is not bombs and guns - it is Minds - and the minds of many have been captured and they do not even realise it.
What is needed is the biggest guerrilla operation anyone has ever mustered. One so left field that it will take down these criminals faster than they can wake to the reality perpetrated in front of them and its exposure of their shenanigans, fully visible to even a stunned world."
He laid these principles out in his 1958 book Stride Toward Freedom: The Montgomery Story, and what follows is a short summary of each.
Practicing non-violence takes strength and resolve. It is not a pathway for those who seek to avoid conflict, as there is nothing passive about it. Rather this is an active stance, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. Those who practice are always looking for ways to persuade their opponents and looking for methods to effect change. They are in community with those suffering, building bridges of influence to those in power, and seeking to build support for their cause.
Is it not true that those who commit evil are also victims of its power? King knew that the true battle for justice lies between good and evil, darkness and light. He saw those who would oppress him as also being victims of systemic injustice. Seeing one’s enemies in this light helps us to view them sympathetically and focus on the root cause of the problem. King again echoed the Bible when he said that our struggle is ultimately not against particular people but systems – “the principalities and powers.”
A wise man knows that you do not change a person by mocking or humiliating them. On this topic, King wrote, “Nonviolence does not seek to defeat or humiliate the opponent but to win friendship and understanding…The nonviolent resister must often express his protest through noncooperation or boycotts, but he realizes that these are not ends themselves; they are merely means to awaken a sense of moral shame in the opponent. … The aftermath of nonviolence is the creation of the beloved community, while the aftermath of violence is tragic bitterness.”
Perhaps the most important principle under the theory of non-violence is the power of undeserved suffering. The nonviolent resister is willing to accept violence if necessary, but not to inflict it, knowing that the suffering they endure has great power to change hearts and minds.
King paraphrased Gandhi when he wrote: “We will match your capacity to inflict suffering with our capacity to endure suffering. We will meet your physical force with soul force. We will not hate you, but we cannot in all good conscience obey your unjust laws. Do to us what you will and we will still love you. Bomb our homes and threaten our children; send your hooded perpetrators of violence into our communities and drag us out on some wayside road, beating us and leaving us half dead, and we will still love you. But we will soon wear you down by our capacity to suffer. And in winning our freedom we will so appeal to your heart and conscience that we will win you in the process.”
Think of the Civil Rights movement. The pictures of young men and women being spit on for sitting at lunch counters, burned with cigarettes, kicked in the head by police. These images woke white America up and spurred outrage and outcry against segregation. Had these young people burned the lunch counters or thrown a punch, we would understand it in hindsight. But it would have backfired on their cause, played into racist segregationists’ hands, and allowed them to be painted as criminals. Instead, their ability to endure unjust suffering was redeemed in the overthrow of Jim Crow.
The nonviolent resister refuses to physically harm his opponent, but they also refuse to hate them. At the base of a nonviolent philosophy is the principle of love. For King, love (specifically the “agape” kind of love discussed by Plato) is proof of the power of God working within us, enabling us to care for those who would seek to harm us. Nonviolent love is in a way a weapon, it disarms your opponent and shields you from becoming them.
King was an eternal optimist. And to do this work consistently, optimism is an essential outlook. “The believer in nonviolence has deep faith in the future,” King wrote. “He knows that in his struggle for justice he has cosmic companionship. There is a creative force in this universe that works to bring the disconnected aspects of reality into a harmonious whole.”
To assist his followers in plotting the pathway of non-violence, King also described six steps for best practices.
Anti-Lockdown Protests All Across Europe - Increasingly draconian lockdown measures, economic destitution, and sweeping police powers are evaporating public trust and eroding public patience (19 Nov 2020)
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