Let's leave the PCR test behind, as we already know some things about its reliability and look at the symptoms...SYMPTOMS OF COVID-19https://www.webmd.com/lung/covid-19-symptoms#1
Researchers in China found that the most common symptoms among people who were hospitalized with COVID-19 include:
Symptoms usually begin 2 to 14 days after you come into contact with the virus.Other symptoms may include:
Call a doctor or hospital right away if you have one or more of these COVID-19 symptoms:
Strokes have also been reported in some people who have COVID-19.And then look at these symptoms....
Neurological: headaches, dizziness, nausea, difficulty concentrating, memory loss, irritability, depression, anxiety, insomnia, fatigue, weakness, tremors, muscle spasms, numbness, tingling, altered reflexes, muscle and joint pain, leg/foot pain, “flu-like” symptoms, fever.
More severe reactions can include seizures, paralysis, psychosis and stroke.
Cardiac: palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in the chest, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath.
Respiratory: sinusitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma.
Dermatological: skin rash, itching, burning, facial flushing.
Ophthalmologic: pain or burning in the eyes, pressure in/behind the eyes, deteriorating vision, floaters, cataracts.
Auditory: Chirping, buzzing, or ringing in the ears; hearing loss.
Others: digestive problems; abdominal pain; enlarged thyroid, testicular/ovarian pain; sexual dysfunction; dryness of lips, tongue, mouth, eyes; great thirst; dehydration; nosebleeds; internal bleeding; elevated blood sugar; immune system abnormalities; redistribution of metals within the body; hair loss; pain in the teeth; deteriorating fillings; impaired sense of smell; light sensitivity.
And these symptoms: -
What Are the Symptoms of Stress?https://www.webmd.com/.../stress-symptoms-effects_of...
Physical symptoms of stress include:
Cold and Flu symptoms https://www.webmd.com/cold-and-flu/flu-cold-symptoms#2
So, what we have is a total of 18 symptoms recorded for Covid-19. ALL of them except the loss of appetite (which may be implicit) are reported among the symptoms of radiowave (microwave) sickness. MOST of the physical symptoms of stress are to be found on the list of covid-19 symptoms and ALL the symptoms of cold and flu are there also...
Now, we should just ask ourselves some very basic questions...
- Epidemiologist Says Influenza Cases Are Being Counted as COVID-19
Top epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski says that the massive drop in influenza cases can be attributed to the fact that many are being falsely counted as COVID-19 cases.
Wittkowski, former Head of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Research Design at Rockefeller University, cautioned that, “Influenza has been renamed COVID-19 in large part.”
According to CDC figures, the cumulative positive influenza test rate from late September into the week of December 19th was just 0.2%, compared to 8.7% from a year before.
According to Wittkowski, this is because many flu infections are being incorrectly labeled as coronavirus cases."
Could spike protein in Moderna, Pfizer vaccines cause blood clots, brain inflammation and heart attacks? - "autopsy studies have yet to find clear evidence of destructive viral invasion into patients’ brains, pushing researchers to consider alternative explanations of how SARS-CoV-2 causes neurological symptoms.
In a study of 18 COVID-19 patients with neurological symptoms who died in hospitals last April, Mukerji and colleagues found very low levels of viral RNA — the source of which is a mystery — in only five of the patient brains. Because the low RNA concentration “seems out of proportion to the profound deficits that people are experiencing,” Mukerji said, “I’d be extremely surprised [if] the majority of cases where people are having neurological symptoms are due to direct viral invasion.”
In a more recent analysis published Feb. 4, 2021, in the New England Journal of Medicine, researchers from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke documented microvascular injury but no evidence of virus in the brains of patients who died from COVID-19. They reported, “In a convenience sample of patients who had died from COVID-19, multifocal microvascular injury was observed in the brain and olfactory bulbs by means of magnetic resonance microscopy, histopathological evaluation and immunohistochemical analysis of corresponding sections, without evidence of viral infection.”
If not viral infection, what else could be causing injury to distant organs associated with COVID-19?"
radiation 5G tower - coronavirus on UK bancnote (mp4)
aPRIL 2020: Corona V | Dr Kyle-Sidell Says Virus Isn’t Cause Of Symptoms
Symptoms of mild, short-term altitude sickness also include dizziness, fatigue, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, sleep problems and a general loss of energy. Symptoms usually begin within 12 to 24 hours of arriving at a high altitude. Symptoms lessen within a day or two as the person gets used to the altitude.
Symptoms of moderate altitude sickness are more intense and are not relieved by over-the-counter medicines. Fatigue, weakness and shortness of breath worsen instead of improving over time. The affected person may start to show loss of coordination and have difficulty walking, severe headache that is not relieved by medicines, nausea and vomiting, and tightness or congestion in the chest. Normal activity is difficult, although the person may still be able to walk on his or her own.
Symptoms of severe altitude sickness include shortness of breath at rest, inability to walk, confusion and fluid buildup in the lungs and/or brain. Other symptoms may include cough and a gray, pale or bluish skin tone. Severe altitude sickness is an emergency situation, and the affected person must be taken to a lower altitude immediately.
Symptoms of mild, short-term altitude sickness usually begin 12 to 24 hours after arriving at high altitude. They lessen in a day or two as your body adjusts. These symptoms include:
Symptoms of moderate altitude sickness are more intense and worsen instead of improve over time:
Severe altitude sickness is an emergency. The symptoms are similar to moderate AMS, but more severe and intense. If you start experiencing these symptoms, you must be taken to a lower altitude immediately for medical care:
HAPE, when fluid builds up in the lungs, prevents oxygen from moving around your body. You need medical treatment for HAPE. Symptoms include:
HACE happens when the brain tissue starts to swell from the leaking fluid. You need medical treatment for HACE. Symptoms include:
What are the symptoms of non-ionising radiation from wireless devices?
Very similar to but worse than altitude sickness, according to the scientific studies completed:
“The Flu” and “Microwave Sickness” Share Many of the Same Symptoms
The microwave syndrome or electro-hypersensitivity: historical background (Dr. O. Carpenter) Soviet bloc countries reported that individuals exposed to microwaves frequently developed headaches, fatigue, loss of appetite, sleepiness, difficulty in concentration, poor memory, emotional instability, and labile cardiovascular function, and established stringent exposure standards
Electromagnetic Sensitivity (Powerwatch) The symptoms can vary a lot between sufferers, but will normally include some of the following: sleep disturbance, tiredness, depression, headaches, restlessness, irritability, concentration problems, forgetfulness, learning difficulties, frequent infections, blood pressure changes, limb and joint pains, numbness or tingling sensations, tinnitus, hearing loss, impaired balance, giddiness and eye problems. There have been reports of cardiovascular problems such as tachycardia, though these are relatively rare
See also: Testimonials Microwave Sickness
At the time - May 2020: The nine countries with the most infections worldwide all receive 5G radiation from satellites.Comparing four nearby countries of the same latitude: Portugal, Spain, Italy, Greece. The two countries with 5G (Spain and Italy) have 220% more infections than Portugal and Greece.The comparison between the small State of San Marino (Italy) and Croatia (just across the Adriatic Sea) is astonishing. San Marino was the first European state to get 5G technology, and has the highest rate of infection. San Marino is 2.59 times more than Italy and 27 times more than Croatia — a country that does not have 5G.The five hot cities in Italy align with the 5G rollouts, as does Spain. Even the hot spots in Barcelona and Madrid align with 5G coverage. Another very interesting comparison is between Mexico and the US. Rates in the 5G-US are 2.7 per 1000 inhabitants, whereas Mexico (no 5G) is 0.04/1000.Another astonishing observation is Africa — a continent almost devoid of infections, except for South Africa. Well Bartomeu claims that only South Africa has 5G. As a further observation from me, most of the Australian cases were from those off the 5G-cruise ships and coming off international flights. Were they flying close to 5G satellites?Bartomeu’s observations about 5G-China and surrounding countries is yet another red flag. The countries surrounding China had approximately 10X fewer cases. Myanma has 0.0007/1000 inhabitants infection rate.
When was 5G switched on in New York?
2020, apparently:
See the OOKLA 5G global map: https://www.speedtest.net/ookla-5g-map
THE EVIDENCE MOUNTSTHE WORLD, accustomed to blaming every illness on a bacterium or virus, has been ignoring the enemy that we have invited in and mistaken for a friend. The evidence is mounting, not only that it is futile to try to hide from a microscopic gene sequence that has already flooded the earth, over which we have no control, but that the illnesses that are being blamed on that virus, and which rightly terrify us, are in part caused by an enemy that we ourselves have created, and that we have refused to recognize as the mortal threat that it is.
It is not a coincidence that Wuhan, China turned on its first 5G communication network just two weeks before the first known person became ill there with a disease that has since shut down the world. It is not a coincidence that the Diamond Princess cruise ship set sail with 5G satellite communication antennas on board, immediately before the same disease sickened hundreds of its passengers. It is not a coincidence that Germany, this spring, brought 4G-LTE technology for the first time to areas near its borders immediately before small birds began dying in large numbers in precisely those areas.
Viruses are constituent elements of life on Earth. Microwave radiation is foreign and lethal to life on Earth. It is time that humanity recognizes these facts. (read the entire article)
ftgDessceSmiibrferconhc p1,s ons2od02r0metd · WIRELESS RADIATION CAUSES CELL PERMEABILITY (POROSITY)The cell membrane protects the cell and regulates the exchange of substances in and out of the cell. “5**G radiation alters the POROSITY of cell membranes. To illustrate this 'induced permeability' in microbiology, we can look at 'Electroporation', or 'electropermeabilization'.
Wiki: “a microbiology technique in which an electrical field is applied to cells in order to increase the permeability of the cell membrane, allowing chemicals, drugs, or DNA to be introduced into the cell (also called electrotransfer)."In ‘Environmental Research’ papers — it “reveals that 5**G exposure not only alters cell permeability (porosity), but also releases peroxinitrites in the body. These are inflammation-producing molecules that ravage other Healthy molecules circulating in the blood.” (1)'Environmental Research' - peer reviewed
(2): …Wi-Fi & other EMF’s cause: (cell permeability plays a part in these)1) oxidative stress, 2) sperm/testicular damage,
3) neuropsychiatric effects including EEG changes,
4) apoptosis (programmed cell death, including brain cells),
5) cellular DNA damage,
6) endocrine changes,
7) and calcium overload.
Tragically, in this ‘plandemic’, we have seen some patients being rushed to hospital with ‘OXIGEN DEPRIVATION’. Concerning this, consider these three factors:
1) That 5**G uses wireless 60 GHz (directed, pulsed energy) …. at that particular frequency, 98% of energy is absorbed by O2 , rendering it ‘unavailable’ for absorption by hemoglobin molecules.
2) Cell membrane permeability causes some cellular processes to malfunction … eg. in hemoglobin molecules, structural changes and therefore functional changes, may result in inhibited O2 uptake.
3) That peroxinitrites… inflammation-producing molecules, are being released in the body.“EMF effects are often cumulative and irreversible”
(2)Think of the ramifications regarding nanoparticulates from chemtrails, v@cs and additives to our food, chemicals and water, regarding induced permeability of cell membranes of all living organisms!(1) https://www.wikirise.com/.../coronavirus.../Coronavirus: (2) https://www.sciencedirect.com/.../pii/S0013935118300355...
" In this science-based TrueTube non-censored medical Panel, American Dr Robert O Young and Canadians Dr Ross Andersen and Klanmother Nurse Karen MacDonald explain the 5G EMF radiation poisoning activity triggering Pandemic 2020 with COVID 19 as a cover story. "
"A wide range of EMF frequencies has been linked to an increased risk of cancer. The SAR value used to measure the EMF dose and set the safety standard in the radiofrequency (RF) range fails as a standard for predicting cancer risk in the ELF power frequency range. Because cancers are believed to arise from mutations in DNA, changes in DNA induced by interaction with EMF could be a better measure of the biologically effective dose in both frequency ranges. The changes can be measured by transcriptional alterations and/or translational changes in specific proteins. Because ionizing radiation also causes DNA damage, a biologically based standard related to stimulation of DNA could apply over a much wider range of the electromagnetic spectrum. A safety standard for exposure to a wide range of non ionizing frequencies can be based on the documented changes in DNA biochemistry that arise from interactions with EMF." https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22676645/
Vaccinated individuals show radioactivity that could make unvaccinated ill, 1.9.21
Is this why Graphene Oxide was put into the Covid vaccines for connecting to 5G Grid Magnetofection? 27.8.21
La Quinta Columna on Covid deaths that were treated as radiation sickness, 20.8.21
Notes: Cathode-Anode-Cathode structure found in AstraZeneca vaccination vial, 24.8.21
Video: Cathode-anode-cathode structure found in AstraZeneca vaccination vial, 24.8.21
Graphene oxide in vaxxines would make bodies into atomic bombs that could go off when hit by electromagnetic waves from satellites, antennas, phones, etc., 6.8.21 (PANEL 1 – CARNICOM DISCLOSURE PROJECT UPDATE 2021, TMT & RDR | DR. MADEJ, DR. MIKOVITS, DR. YOUNG)
Michael O'Bernicia reports that
"The prolific and brilliant mathematician, Andrew Mather, just sent this message to tenacious Mark Oakford, the indomitable Scouse polymath I’m working with on the vaccine deaths data:
“That surge from 14 September to 21 November mirrors the flu vaccine roll-out. That’s the kind of indisputable coincidence we need.”
In other words my fellow freedom fighters, Andrew is now able to testify in the Private Criminal Prosecution that he can mathematically demonstrate the correlation Mark and I have identified [with the invaluable assistance of the courageous researcher who provided us with the incriminating data from the WHO], between the flu vaxx roll-out and the surge in alleged COVID deaths."
This was explained in graphic detail by a French engineer in a 2020 video (since deleted by Youtube), but for which we have the transcript:
“For me, these nanoparticles are part of a weapon system that will enable depopulation without mass resistance. So, if you compare that to a system of explosives, the nanoparticle would be the bar of plastic explosive, that is, the active material that’s going to explode. The second thing that would be needed is a detonator. For me, this is the electromagnetic wave that’s going to make the nanoparticle vibrate, and the third thing is the control, I think that we’ve found it now, it’s the idea of 2020 060606,[v],[vi] that is, the subcutaneous vaccination that the masters of the world are going to propose so that they can know where we are and can trace us with 5G. The advantage that 5G has as a detonator is that it can track us. It’s a directed energy weapon. So, we’re traced, they know where to send the wave and they know who they are going to heat up. What do you need in order to have this weapon system operational? You need to be able to inject the nanoparticles into the body. The only means that seems consistent in terms of the history is to put it in the vaccines.”[...]
I think we have been the targets of a huge psyop, and practically everyone is looking in the wrong direction. It’s all about electromagnetic radiation and that is the key. Now that everyone who has taken the jab is full of graphene oxide, their only recourse is to follow the precautions that so-called electrohypersensitive (EHS) people adopt and get rid of their mobile phones and all wireless devices and make sure they never come into contact with any wireless technology. Dr. T at Not on the Beeb has also become aware of this and is warning doctors not to put patients suffering from Covid vaccine adverse effects into MRI machines because they will kill them.
PATENT: Method for generating cytotoxic electromagnetc signals
A system and method for inducing cytotoxicity, comprising a receiver configured to receive an electromagnetic signal from a container, using a receiver configured to capture electromagnetic emissions from the container over a frequency range of at least 100 Hz to 10,000 Hz; an amplifier configured to amplify the received electromagnetic signal; and an emitter configured to emit the amplified electromagnetic signal in proximity to living cells. DNA from a pathogen is amplified using PCR, purified, and serially diluted. Electromagnetic signals from the diluted DNA are received, and optionally stored. The receive signal is amplified and emitted in proximity to living cells, to produce under selected circumstances, a cytopathic effect.
Derrick Broze of The Conscious Resistance joins us to discuss the hypothesis that 5G is responsible for the symptoms associated with the coronavirus outbreak
Video from April 2020 - heavily censored on YT
Dr. Devra Davies - EHT
The hidden rainbow of electricity - End of life on planet earth ! - about the well-known silent attack on humanity and the convergence of toxicity: nanobots in vaccines and 5G
⚠️FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (211 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever⚠️ https://bit.ly/3Gt39Uq
🆕⚠️Autopsy-based histopathological characterization of myocarditis after anti-SARS-CoV-2-vaccination [PDF DOC]⚠️
⚠️What is in the so-calledCOVID-19 “Vaccines”? Part 1: Evidence of a Global Crime Against Humanity:⚠️
⚠️Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy Reveals Graphene Oxide in CoV-19 Vaccines⚠️
⚠️Evidence for a connection between coronavirus disease-19 and exposure to radiofrequency radiation from wireless communications including 5G⚠️
⚠️Case Briefing Document and lab report, shows GRAPHENE OXIDE FOUND IN ALL MRNA INJECTIONS, 11/02/2022⚠️
This report, ref AUC_101_Report, which was commissioned by EbMCsquared CiC and prepared and published by UNIT relates to initial findings and forms a strong case for continued further scientific investigation.
⚠️On the Clear Evidence of the Risks to Children from Smartphone and WiFi Radio Frequency Radiation [PDF]⚠️